Govt.’s Official Bunglow for Anti Hindu NGO – ANHAD

published on January 13, 2013

The official residence of  Planning Commission member Syeda Hameed in Lutyen’s zone is being misused for promoting anti-Gujarat activities by a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO).

This is despite the fact that the Government does not allow official bungalows to be used for any other purpose. BJP MP Purushottam Rupala has written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in this regard. He has requested Singh to intervene and cancel the allotment of the bungalow.

This blatant misuse of the official bungalow is quite a serious matter as it is being done by an official holding a Constitutional post.

Bungalow No 23 on Canning Lane was allotted to Hameed by the Urban Development Ministry on August 6, 2004 for residential purposes only.

However, this bungalow also headquarters the office of Act Now for Harmony and Democracy (ANHAD), an NGO headed by well-known Narendra Modi-baiter Shabnam Hashmi. ANHAD has been using this bungalow as its registered office since September 25, 2007. ANHAD’s website too lists this bungalow as its official address.

In his letter to the PM, Rupala said: “Misuse of an official residence by a member of the Planning Commission for anti-State activities speaks volumes about how the Planning Commission, which basically allot funds to States for their developmental activities, is also involved in de-stabilising activities of a democratically elected Government through an NGO by providing office accommodation and other infrastructure to it… This role of the Planning Commission was unheard of earlier.”

Rupala sought a high-level inquiry into how Hameed’s official residence was being used as the headquarters of an NGO involved in false propaganda against the Gujarat Government at national and international forums. The BJP MP threatened to raise the matter in Rajya Sabha if prompt action was not taken.

In his January 3 letter to Singh, Rupala also alleged that Hashmi had been working against the Gujarat Government for  the last several years and was involved in a “massive misinformation campaign against the State, seeking financial support from foreign NGOs to paint Gujarat in a bad light.”

He told Singh: “You will agree that it is a very serious matter where an official residence of a member of the Planning Commission is being officially used by an NGO for anti-State activities.

“That Hashmi is working for the Congress Party is proved by the fact that she was appointed by the Central Government as member of various committees and boards like the Central Advisory Board of Education, Maulana Azad Education Foundation, Ministry of Minority Affairs, National Monitoring Committee for Minority Education and National Literacy Mission Council.

“She has actively participated on behalf of the Congress Party in the 2007 and 2012 Gujarat Assembly elections.

She was even seen along with the official Congress candidate at the time of filing of nomination papers in Ahmedabad.”

Read detailed report by Rakesh K Singh @

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