Government of India’s Muslim Police Proposal for Revival of Suhrawardy’s Direct Action Plan of 1946!

via V.SUNDARAM I.A.S published on July 28, 2010

I was shocked to read the above news item in the May 10, 2010 issue of The Telegraph of Calcutta.

I understand that the Islam-embracing, Islam-promoting, Islam-fostering, Christianity-coveting, Hindu-hating and Hindu-baiting Sonia Congress UPA II Government of India has issued instructions to the States and Union territories to post more Muslim policemen in areas with large minority populations so that the force acts more “impartially”, especially in tense and violent situations. This Islamic-terrorism promoting Directive is part of a larger plan to have more Muslims in the administrative machinery at large, and to “sensitise” all government cadres to communal issues right from the training stage onwards. The states have been asked by the Department of Personnel and Training to update it every three months on the progress made in recruiting Muslims in their police forces, where the community is poorly represented.

Covert-Jihadis like Asghar Ali Engineer and others have been arguing that having more Muslims in the police would lead to better management of communal violence and post-riot situations.

But the counter-argument has been that having more Muslim policemen or policewomen does not necessarily lead to communal peace. The government, however, is determined to make the police forces more representative in the jihadi Islamic sense and not in the truly patriotic and nationalistic sense.

A patently pseudo-secular and anti-Hindu training programme module meant for “sensitising” civil servants, prepared by the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (under informal instructions from firangi Memsahib Sonia’s Congress Party) has been incorporated in the training for the I.A.S, I.F.S, I.P.S and Central Services’ Officers.

A truly jihadi Muslim official in the Union Home Ministry moulded in the line of known Islamic marauders of the past has the temerity to declare that the low numbers of Muslims in the country’s police forces has led to an “institutional communalism” of sorts. He has no comments to make on the expulsion of all the Kashmiri Pundits from Kashmir Valley by his jihadi comrades!! He has no scruples about talking against the Hindus (Kaffirs) of India today because he derrives his political inspiration from the written Guidelines issued by the Muslim League of Jinnah in 1945-46! These GUIDELINES were known as Twenty-three Point printed Circular which was secretly distributed among Muslims of India in 1945-46 and was supposed to be used as a ‘Guideline Document’ by jihadis for establishing dar-ul-Islamin India.

A copy of this obnoxiously anti-Hindu document which was printed, cyclostyled, and extensively distributed by Jinnah’s Muslim League among the Muslims of India in general and Muslims of Bengal, Bihar and Punjab in particular in 1946. Suhravady, the Premier of Bengal, fully implemented the Twenty-three Point printed Circular when he organized the Direct Action Dayin Calcutta on August 16, 1946.

The prelimnary work for the HINDU GENOCIDE in Calcutta City on Direct Action Day on August 16th 1946 was laid on the 27th of July 1946. Mohammad Ali Jinnah gave a call to the Muslims to observe August 16, 1946 as “Direct Action Day”. Jinnah declared: “The Muslims of India wouldn’t rest contented with any thing less than the immediate establishment of independent and fully sovereign State of Pakistan. … Now the time has come for the Muslim Nation to resort to Direct action. … We have taken a most historic decision. Never before in the whole life history of the Muslim League did we do anything except by constitutional methods. Today we have said good-bye to constitutional methods. Throughout the painful negotiations the two parties with whom we bargain held a pistol at us — one with power and machine-guns behind it and the other with non-co-operation and the threat to launch mass civil disobedience. The situation must be met. We also have a pistol.’

Thus the wholesale slaughter of Hindus in Calcutta City on the Day of Direct Action on August 16, 1946 was masterminded by H.S Suhravardy, the Premier of Bengal, who acted as per the directives of Jinnah given to the Muslim Leauge on 27th of July 1946. The Government of Bengal remained silent for two days and watched the mass killing of Hindus with a Nero-like impassivity. The British Governor F Burrows, sat like a marble statue in his Chambers, ‘seeing no evil’ and ‘hearing no evil’. Burrows and Suhravardy were acting in criminal collusion. When the Sikhs of Calcutta were provoked to come out into the streetswith theirflashing swords to give protection to their defenceless and abandoned Hindu brethren, the tide of killings took a different turn. With the Sikhs and the Hindus coming together in self-defence against the Islamic marauders the tide was turned with equal fury against the murderous Muslim bullies. The Governor and the Prime Minister, seeing that the Muslims were now at the receiving end, now felt the ‘supreme call of duty’ and felt constrained to call the Army to quell the riots.

The number of men, women and children slaughtered on the streets of Calcutta City was over 10,000 and the seriously maimed and injured 15,000 and those rendered utterly penniless and homeless 100,000. A British correspondent of Statesman, Kim Khristen, wrote: ‘I have a stomach made strong by the experience of war, but the war was never like this. This is not a riot. It needs a word found in mediaeval history, a fury. Yet ‘fury’ sounds spontaneous and there must have been some deliberation and organisation to see this fury on the way.’ The culpability of Suhravardy in this sordid criminal operation was laid bare by the local Army Commander and the Chief Secretary of the Bengal Government before Lord Wavell, the Viceroy of India, who visited Calcutta in the last week of August 1946.

Direct Action Day in 1946

Hindu Genocide in Calcutta – Effect of Suhrawardy’s Muslim Policing (Past)

Sonia Congress party wants repetition of Suhravardy’s performance. (Present)

Hindus can expect another mass slaughter from Indian Muslims. (Future)

Suhravardy had given clear instructions to his Muslim Police Officers to either remain silent or inactive or if need be join the Jihadi marauders of the Muslim League in the Jihad of Hindu Genocide. All the Muslim Police Officers joined the Muslim Leauge in the slaughter of the Hindus on Direct Action Day on August 16th 1946.

The distinguished bureaucrat B.K Nehru I.C.S (1909-2001) had a great deal to say about the genocidal activities of Muslim League in those days. In His memoirs Nice Guys Finish Second, published in 1997 he said:

“This massacre of Hindus and Sikhs by Muslims was well organized and directed personally by H.S. Suhrawardy, the then Muslim League Prime Minster of Bengal, and continued for two full days till the Sikh taxi drivers of Calcutta retaliated and their began a counter massacre of the Muslims. It was this alone which led to the machinery of law and order bringing the Holocaust to an end.”

The anti-Hindu and pro-Muslim Sonia Congress Party of the Italian firangiMemsahib and her Congress UPA II Government today are hell bent on increasing the number of Muslim Police Officers in India today just in order to improve upon or at any rate to repeat in the Islamic strife-ridden India of today the same grand Islamic performance of HINDU GENOCIDE let loose by Suhravardy on August 16th 1946.


(Political, religious and spiritual precursor of Sonia Congress UPA II Government and Dr.Manmohan Singh and his Islamist Judicial cohorts!!)

Justice Rajinder Sachar Dr Manmohan Singh Justice Ranganath Mishra

(More truly Islamic and Hindu-hating Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardys of today!!!)

(Strongly United in their Pro-Islamic Anti-Hindu ideology!!)

Justice Gopal Das Khosla I.C.S (a former Chief Justice of Punjab) in his seminal research paper titled STERN RECKONING has fully reproduced the lurid instructions issued by the Muslim League of Jinnah to the Muslim marauders in the Twenty-three Point printed Circular to kill and plunder Hindus and dishonour their womenfolk. The blood curdling exhortations made in the aforementioned secret circular became fully known to the police only during the extensive rioting and murderous campaigns organized by the Muslim League in the Punjab and N.W.F.P after June 3, 1947.

The terrorist Muslims of the Muslim League of Jinnah had made elaborate plans for acquiring and storing weapons for attacking Hindus and Sikhs, looting their shops and factories, mounting attacks on temples and even for kidnapping, raping and converting hapless Hindu women, on the eve of Indian Independence, is evident from the contents of the Twenty-three Point printed circular which was secretly distributed among Muslims of India and was supposed to be used as a ‘GUIDELINE DOCUMENT’ by jihadis. Its luridcontents are reproduced hereunder: “

1. All Muslims of India should die for Pakistan.

2. With Pakistan established whole of India should be conquered.

3. All people of India should be converted to Islam.

4. All Muslim Kingdoms should join hands to fight with the Anglo-American exploitation of the whole world.

5. One Muslim should get the right of five Hindus, i.e., each Muslim is equal to five Hindus.

6. All Factories and shops owned by Hindus should be burnt, destroyed, looted and loot should be given to League office.

7. All Muslim Leaguers should carry weapons in defiance of order.

8. All nationalist Muslims if they do not join League should be killed by secret Gestapo.

9. Hindus should be murdered gradually and their population should be reduced.

10. All temples should be destroyed.

11. Muslim League spies in every village and district of India.

12. Congress Leaders should be murdered, one in one month by secret method.

13. Congress upper offices should be destroyed by secret Muslim Gestapo, single person doing the job.

14. Karachi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Goa, Vizagapatnam should be paralysed by December 1946 by Muslim League volunteers.


16. Muslims should sabotage whole of India and Congress Government for the final invasion of India by Muslims.

17. Financial resources are given by Muslim League. Invasion of India by Nizam communist, few Europeans, Khoja by Bhopal, few Angl-Indians, few Parsis, few Christians, Punjab, Sid and Bengal will be places of manufacture of all arms, weapons for Muslim Leaguers invasion and establishing a Muslim Empire in India.

18. All arms, weapons should be distributed to Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras, Banglore, Lahore, Karachi, branches of Muslim League.

19. All sections of Muslim League should carry minimum equipment of weapons, at least pocket knife at all times to destroy Hindus and drive all Hindus out of India.

20. All transport should be used for battle against Hindus.


22. Hindu culture should be destroyed.

23. All Leaguers should try to be cruel at all times to Hindus and boycott them socially, economically and in many other ways.

NO MUSLIM SHOULD BUY FROM HINDU DEALERS. All Hindu produced films should be boycotted.

All Muslim Leaguers should obey these 23 instructions and bring into action by September 15, 1946.”
This 23 Point Plan outlining the dimensions of the proposed pogrom against the Hindus and Sikhs clearly showed that the Muslim League had drawn up an elaborate plan to wreak vengeance on the Hindus.
All these above facts I have gathered from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.

Unfortunately the national leadership vested in

Gandhi and Nehru (and the Congress Party to which they belonged) in whom the naive and gullible Hindus had reposed immense faith in 1945-46 had neither any plans nor any will to fight back the jihadi onslaught of Islam. As a result India was partitioned and Pakistan was formed as an Islamic state resulting in killing and displacement of millions of Hindus in the worst HINDU GENOCIDE ever.
This Twenty-three Point printed Circular can be viewed as a truly Islamic precursor to the Multi Point Muslim Development Programme proposed by Justice Sachar Committee and Justice Ranganath Mishra Committee today. In some respects they are putting even Muslim League and Mohammad Ali Jinnah to shame today by being more vigorously jihadi anti-Hindu and anti-kaffir than even Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Let me prove this point by referring to Point 15 of the Twenty-three Point printed Circular given above which reads as follows:

“15. Muslims should never be allowed to work under Hindus in Army, Navy, Government services or private firms.”

Even where the Muslim League andMohammad Ali Jinnah did not want the Muslims to ever work under Hindus in Army, Navy, Airforce, Police or Government Services, these two judicial worthies — nay, indeed jihadis —

Justice Sachar and Justice Ranganath Mishra want a gigantic leap in representation in these services for the Muslims of India!!! These two listless Hindus are greater enemies of Sanatana Dharma and the Hindus of India today than Jinnah or Suhravardy of yesterday or Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi or Asif Ali Zardari of today.

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