Govern or go!

via News Toady - Editorial published on October 31, 2008

In yet another terror attack on Indian soil, serial blasts wreaked Guwahati, Kokrajhar, Bongalgaon and Barpeta areas of Assam on Thursday morning within 30 minutes, in which over seventyfive people have lost their precious lives and over 300 people injured.


The number of blasts ranges from nine to eighteen as per media reports and no one including the inept State and Central governments can give the correct picture. As usual the Home Ministry says that it had warned the State government.

The incompetence of the state government is quite evident from the statement of the Chief Minister
that the government had reports about the ULFA and Jihadi elements
planning strikes. A section of the media has even speculated on the
involvement of China saying that its army has trained the ULFA
terrorists, while the ULFA has denied that it is involved in this.

Assam is not new to terror, as evidenced by the fact that it has
witnessed eleven major attacks between May 2007 and October 2008
(including yesterday’s blasts), notwithstanding the reign of terror let loose by the ULFA for more than two decades.
Also, the State has been flooded with illegal Bangladeshi migrants, not
in hundreds or thousands but in millions, thanks to the unworkable IMDT
Act passed by the Congress government in the early eighties. Even when
the Supreme Court
struck down the ordinance, the vote-chasing UPA government modified the
Foreigners Act to facilitate the back-door entry of illegal migrants.

It may be recalled that the ULFA was almost driven out of Assam
during the NDA regime and the radical outfit gained its foothold again
with the advent of the UPA government. Both the UPA and the State
governments have helped the ULFA to regroup and resurge in the name of
peace talks and now the innocent people of Assam are suffering. It is a
long time since the ULFA lost its ‘indigenous’ tag. Most of its
commanders are Muslims (original or converted) and the cadre strength
has increased manifolds due to the recruitment of illegal migrants from
Bangladesh. The ULFA has been getting asylum in Bangladesh and Pakistan and has been getting training from the ISI and other Islamic militant outfits like HuJI and LeT.

The Islamic terror attack
has a ‘pattern’ of testing the patience and tolerance of majority
community and provoking them to strike. This strategy of provoking the
Hindus to indulge in riots and then retaliating with bomb blasts
could be seen in almost all the major attacks. The same strategy has
been adopted in Assam too. They provoked the Hindu Bodo tribals by
usurping their lands resulting in riots. Now, they have struck with
terror as a reply to those riots. They have not only usurped the lands
but also hoisted Bangladeshi and Pakistani flags! Any sensible and
shrewd government would have got alerted then and asserted itself with
timely actions. But the Tarun Gogoi government has simply ignored the developments and it has also not bothered to heed the warnings of Army’s intelligence.

The Home Ministry must understand that its job is not over with
sending warnings and inputs. In the event of the State government’s
lethargy in rising to the occasion, it must force the state government
to take the required measures to avoid or preempt the attacks.
There is absolutely no coordination between the Centre and the State and here in this case, ironically, Congress rules both.  

is ridiculous that the centre, instead of focusing on anti-terror
measures on a war footing, has been indulging in framing Hindu outfits
in other minor attacks in order to project an unworkable and impossible
concept called ‘Hindu Terrorism’, just to satisfy the minority
vote-bank. If this is the attitude of the government, then even God
cannot save this nation. The government must realise that it is
surrounded by hostile nations and that they are using insurgents to
destabilise this nation.

The top most priority for the central government now is to profile
all the illegal migrants who have spread throughout the nation and
drive them back to Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal.
There is no point in extending olive branches or waving white flags to
separatists and hostile nations. The stringent and ruthless actions
taken against the local terror outfits and insurgents will render the
external forces toothless.

The UPA government has lost its credibility long ago and it is in a
state of coma in regard to counter terror and the only way by which it
can save the people and secure the nation is by dissolving the Lok
Sabha and announcing general elections

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