Google needs a bold & aggressive reaction from Bharat

via Dipin Damodharan published on January 19, 2010

How an IT company, based in United States, can show Arunachal Pradesh, a democratically elected government in India, as a disputed part in their map.

When we open the Google maps’ China edition (, a net surfer can get the information that Arunachal Pradesh is an undisputed part of China. Similarly when we open the Google India on , we can find Arunachal as a part of India.  But the double standard of Google appear when one opens the map on the international edition , here Arunachal Pradesh is shown as a disputed territory.

Google has a considerable business in India; the Indian government should take the issue in a serious manner. Google have to accept the reality that there is no confusion over the territory of Arunachal. Actually the soft stand taken by the Indian Government on the Indo-China border issue paved the way for Google to act like this.

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