Golden Opportunity

via Synonymous published on February 8, 2009

Indian nation is passing through a historic opportunity to get rid of the never ending pestering from Pakistan . After the Mumbai horror it is a virtual Terrorist State in the eyes of almost all the major nations in the world, including many of the Muslim ones. The new US president has already started shifting his entire warfront on terror from Iraq to Pak-Afghan border. Pakistan economy is in shambles, having to borrow for even paying back its interest payments. Namesake President Sardari has no control on his Prime Minister and least of all on his Army Chief. As of today, Pakistan is nothing but a Failed Islamic State of Terrorism (FIST) posing immense threat to the civilized world.

But this scenario presents a brilliant opportunity for India . Without a formal war, we can dismember Pakistan into several parts easily. Every rupee spent for this deal is worth a million and it is an opportunity that comes very rarely in the history of nations. This is an opportunity for India to apply the same technique used by their ‘brilliant’ General Zia Ul-Haque against India . We must bleed them at multiple points and that too when they are really anemic. To the start the ball rolling, India must unilaterally reduce the flow of water in all the rivers flowing into Pakistan . Revolts in Punjab and Sind can easily weaken whatever is left of a credible Pakistani state. 

The present day Pakistan can be easily split into three separate nations of Punjab, Sind and Waziristan by a non-bloody war on a budget of maximum one billion rupees.
India can miss this golden opportunity only at its own peril. The biggest hurdle in going full steam now will be Sonia and Sardar. Both have soft20corners for Pakistan and would like to take less risky options to show the world that they are doing something. If Indian establishment can leave this to a professional group based on consultations with the main opposition party, India can easily achieve its aim and make our land a safer one for atleast a few decades. Otherwise we can always wait for the next series of bomb blasts or Jihadis landing on our shores fully prepared for dozens like Mumbai mauls.

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