Going beyond Hasan Ali? No way!

via K Vijayan published on March 29, 2011

Supreme Court Judges, Hon’bles B. Sudarshan Reddy and SS Nijjar are wasting their breath asking Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam or the CBI why they are not looking beyond Hasan Ali.

The answer, which we are sure their Honours must also be aware of, lies in the fact that it is against the Laws of man and nature to implicate oneself. Unless Death Bed confessions are obtained using usual methods deployed on aam aadmis the real crooks starting from Sonia Maino (and her cousins, sisters) to Karunanidhi and numerous wives, progeny and favourites are not going to be charge-sheeted or tried, let alone found guilty and sentenced, or the stolen loot repatriated. And even if such a consummation is acheived, the Media may well observe nil nisi bonum Old Boy; or Girl as the case may be.

For the last couple of decades or more defacto, dejure and dummy Prime Ministers, the Union Cabinet, the Bureaucracy, and to some extent the Judiciary also, have been busy looting the state, and corrupting themselves and everything they came into contact with. Indira Gandi enunciated that corruption was a Global Phenomenon and vigorously set about implementing Project Loot India. Her Italian Daughter in law and the World Bank Dummy are only continuing this glorious Fake Gandi Tradition.

So who is going to name them, in the face of all those Rights, Privileges, Libel Laws, Contempt Laws and bi-lateral Treaties protecting them?

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