God save India from Italian Mafiosi

published on June 19, 2011



“ The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ” — Thomas Jefferson   (1743-1826)

Dr.Subramanian Swamy has sent a letter dated 20 th  June 2011 to the Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh inviting his attention to his earlier letter of 15 th  April 2011 in which he had sought the Permission of the Prime Minister to prosecute Sonia Gandhi, the Chairman of the National Advisory Council (NAC) and Chairman of the UPA Coordination Committee under the Prevention of Corruption Act. In today’s letter of 20 th  June, Dr.Subramanian Swamy has come forward to assist the Prime Minister in going through the tortuous process of getting the necessary documents from the Swiss authorities in order to hasten the process of bringing back Black Money deposited abroad with impunity by Sonia Gandhi and her family. I am presenting below the full text of this letter of 20 th  June 2011 sent to the Prime Minister which speaks for itself.

June 20, 2011.

Dr. Manmohan Singh,
Prime Minister of India,
South Block,
New Delhi.

Dear Prime Minister:

            You may recall that I had submitted on April 15, 2011, a 225-page petition seeking your permission {viz., Sanction u/s 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act (1988)} to prosecute Ms. Sonia Gandhi.
Ms. Gandhi has been a public servant since 1991, initially by virtue of getting the 10, Janpath, New Delhi, a Government house, allotted to her as her residence for life. Since 2004 she has been the Chairperson of the National Advisory Council with Cabinet rank and which is serviced administratively by the Cabinet Secretariat.
            According to submissions and documentation in my petition, Ms. Sonia Gandhi is culpable of having committed a criminal offence e.g.,  u/s 13 of the afore-referred to Act, in the Bofors scam and hence the criminal law has to be set into motion for which I first need your Sanction.
            According to the CVC direction on grant of Sanction, you have to decide within three months, i.e., July 15, 2011, whether or not to grant me Sanction.
            I shall be at Harvard University from June 23rd to August 10th.  If therefore I am not informed by you upon my return whether or not I have been granted Sanction, I shall be compelled to approach the Courts against your failure to perform your statutory duty under Section 19 of the said Act.
            I have also established by some credible documentation that Ms. Sonia Gandhi is the legatee of an illegal bank account, and of a Trust, in Switzerland that was earlier in the name of her now deceased husband Mr. Rajiv Gandhi.  From this bank account, payments were made to pay the tuition fees and other expenses of her son Mr. Rahul Gandhi when he was in  college  in USA,  briefly at Harvard in 1990-91 before he was compelled by circumstances to quit, then later at  Rollins College, a Catholic Christian establishment, near Orlando, Florida.
            Hence the money trail from this illegal account can be tracked in view of the Amendment to the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Switzerland and India, recently passed by Swiss Parliament on June 17, 2011, when read with Restitution of Illicit Assets of Politically  Empowered Persons Act (2010) passed  earlier by Swiss Parliament.
            I am prepared to assist your Government to get the necessary documents from the Swiss authorities if you are serious about the matter of bringing back such black money deposited abroad.  The procrastination in the Lichtenstein Bank matter however is not inspiring.

                                                                        Yours sincerely,

                                                            ( SUBRAMANIAN  SWAMY )

In this context, in order to assist my Readers, I am presenting below some of the crucial and relevant excerpts from the more than 200 page earlier Petition of Dr.Subramanian Swamy sent to the Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh on 15 th  April 2011   in which he had sought the permission of the Prime Minister to prosecute Sonia Gandhi u/s 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act (1988) [PCA]

The Petition
15 April 2011
Dr. Manmohan Singh

Prime Minister as Sanctioning Authority

u/s 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act (1988) [PCA]
South Block, New Delhi.

Re: Sanction to prosecute Ms. Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson (in Cabinet Rank), NAC, under Prevention of Corruption Act (1988).

Dear Sir:

1. Ms. Sonia Gandhi MP, wife of the deceased Rajiv Gandhi, was first appointed as Chairperson National Advisory Council [NAC] in May 2004. She resigned in 2006 but was re-appointed by an Order of the Cabinet Secretariat dated March 29, 2010, read with Order dated October 8, 2010 [Annexure 1].

2. As per Order of May 31, 2004 [Annexure 2] the Prime Minister’s Office will provide Central Government funds to meet the expenditure of the NAC, and service the NAC for its secretarial needs. Hence she is a public servant as defined in Section 2 ( c ) of the Prevention of Corruption Act (1988).

3. You, in your capacity as deemed appointing authority are therefore the Designated Authority under Section 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act for granting Sanction to prosecute the said Ms. Sonia Gandhi. As you know, there are no laches or statute of limitations for prosecuting offences of corruption.

4. Your Sanction is required by me for prosecuting Ms. Sonia Gandhi on a private complaint proposed to be filed by me in the criminal court under Prevention of Corruption Act (1988), based on the materials available to me (and enclosed with this letter/application) with reference to two issues: ………  ……..       ………….    …………

27. This complaint against Sonia Gandhi also includes the corrupt monies held under her control in the tax haven of Switzerland as a legatee of the corrupt money which was banked in the name of her late husband or deposited by her of funds obtained from the erstwhile KGB, the Soviet Union’s Intelligence Agency, or by sale of illegally exported antiques in the country. I retain the right to submit details of other illegal accounts in other havens such as Macao at a later stage in another application to you or before the court.

28. It is well-reported that Sonia Gandhi is the beneficiary of Rajiv Gandhi’s estate which includes the corrupt monies continued even now to be held in a tax havens. Why this money is held abroad (even if held as a trust to benefit family members) instead of its being held in India within the Indian financial system to benefit the nation is a question which Ms. Sonia Gandhi must answer.

29. Violations of FEMA have occurred as also under Prevention of Money Laundering Act. In case any transaction on this account which is not reported in the Income Tax Returns, and FCRA is also a violation. There may also be an issue of obtaining RBI prior permission for holding such large sums abroad if it is claimed to be a legitimate account.

30. It is clear that this wealth was not reported in Election Affidavits of Sonia Gandhi & Rahul Gandhi as a beneficiary of the monies so held [Annexure 6]. The total wealth of both Gandhis, as per their election returns, is just Rs 363 lakh, Sonia owns no car. “

31. When Schweizer Illustrierte a prestigious German-language Swiss magazine alleged that Rajiv Gandhi held an illegal account in Swiss banks of about US $ 2 billion, neither she nor her son, protested, or sued the magazine, then or later [Annexure 7].

32. When major papers, The Hindu and The Times of India included, had carried in the year 1992 the official confirmation of KGB payments to the Rajiv Gandhi family, adding that the Russian government owned the payments in the disclosures, neither of the two Gandhis challenged or sued them [Annexure 8].

33. Nor did they sue Dr. Yevgenia Albats, a member of the official Commission on KGB Operations set up by President Yeltsin, when she wrote about KGB payments to Rajiv Gandhi and family in her book The State within State [Annexure 9]
34. More than $ 2 billion in 1991 was being held by Ms. Sonia Gandhi as a legatee, or otherwise obtained by receiving stolen movable and immovable properties, monies and securities, kept illegally in tax haven banks of Switzerland and elsewhere, and which is disproportionate to her known sources of income. She thus has also committed offence u/s 13(1)(e) of PCA. It also attracts the IPC Sections for receiving stolen property.

35. The recent deposition of Hasan Ali, alleged to have siphoned money of the nation to Switzerland secret accounts admits to his close association not only with her but with Mr. Ahmed Patel MP and political adviser to Ms. Sonia Gandhi [Annexure 10].

36. Ms. Sonia Gandhi is also obviously culpable under Indian criminal law such as FCRA for the pay offs in the Iraqi Oil-for-Food scam of 2002. The United Nations had set up an independent inquiry committee under Dr. F. Volcker which found that the “Congress Party” headed by Ms. Sonia Gandhi as a beneficiary of a free oil quota from the now deposed and deceased dictator Saddam Hussein, which the beneficiary sold at market price through Marc Rich, the notorious swindler who had been convicted by a US Court for 350 years and several million dollars as fine. He was pardoned by US President Clinton in 2000 on Israeli Prime Minister’s intervention. He lives in Switzerland.

37. No one in Congress Party but Ms. Sonia Gandhi as party President could have been this beneficiary. The other beneficiary listed in Volcker’s Report was by name: Natwar Singh, who got much less [Annexure 11].

38. I reserve the right to further petition you to enlarge the scope of this sanction at a future date to include other violations and offences committed by Ms. Sonia Gandhi under Prevention of Corruption Act (1988), for which I will file with you a separate application if necessary.

40. Ms. Sonia Gandhi is habitually committing acts of corruption since 1972. On November 19, 1974, I brought it to the attention of the Rajya Sabha that Ms. Sonia Gandhi, then an Italian citizen had functioned as a benami insurance agent of public sector insurance companies, and giving her address as 1, Safdarjung Road, New Delhi which was then the official residence of the Prime Minister of India. She thus committed an offence under FERA. The then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi subsequently informed the Rajya Sabha that following my disclosure, Ms. Sonia Gandhi had resigned from this agency earning commissions.

41. Between January 25, 1973 and January 21, 1975 she held a post of Managing Director of Maruti Technical Services on a salary despite it being an offence under FERA. But then she had become Managing Director of Maruti Heavy Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. with an even bigger remuneration. For neither post she had the necessary qualifications having never passed even high school. The Justice A.C. Gupta Commission appointed in 1977 by the Janata Party Government found her guilty of multiple offences under FERA and IPC.

42. In 1980 and January 1983 Ms. Sonia Gandhi then still an Italian citizen enrolled herself as a voter in the New Delhi constituency despite having been struck off the list in 1982 upon the ERO receiving a complaint from a citizen. She thus committed an offence under Section 31 of the Representation of the People’s Act read with Form 4 of the Registration of Electors Rules (1960).

43. Ms. Sonia Gandhi’s Indian citizenship acquired in record speed in April 1983 is vitiated by her incomplete answers to mandatory questions in the citizenship forms. She did not submit documents from the Italian government of relinquishing her Italian citizenship required for Indian citizenship, stating in the Form that it was ‘not applicable” [Annexure 12]. Italian Embassy in New Delhi simply affirmed what she told them and hence that cannot be taken as a valid document of relinquishment for the purposes of citizenship. She also retrieved her Italian passport in 1992 after citizenship laws in Italy were amended which under Section 10 of the Citizenship Act (1955) means cancellation of her Indian citizenship.

44. All these facts stated above were put together and published in USA in a full page advertisement in the New York Times in 2008 by NRIs N. Kataria and others. The Congress Party unit in USA thereafter engaged the most expensive law firm and filed a $200 million defamation suit. However Ms. Sonia Gandhi refused to appear in the witness box and be cross examination. Therefore, Justice Emily Goodman of the New York State Supreme Court dismissed the suit since defamation suits in law have to be filed by the person claiming to be defamed, and therefore cannot be assigned to others [Annexure 13]. Ms. Sonia Gandhi had a case to rebut these facts, then why she failed to turn up in court?


It should be clear from paragraph 31 of Dr.Subramanian Swamy’s Petition cited above that   when  SCHWEIZER ILLUSTRIERTE   a prestigious German-language Swiss magazine alleged that Rajiv Gandhi held an illegal account in Swiss banks of about US $ 2 billion, neither   Firangi Memsahib  Sonia Gandhi nor her son Rahul Gandhi ever protested, or attempted to sue the  SCHWEIZER ILLUSTRIERTE  magazine, then or later.  I am presenting below the concerned pages from  SCHWEIZER ILLUSTRIERTE in which the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s picture appeared in 1991.

The money movements of this transaction reported in 1991 in  SCHWEIZER ILLUSTRIERTE   have to be tracked down and brought back to India. As Dr. Manmohan Singh, the thoroughly corrupt and supremely incompetent Prime Minister of India —a petty and shameless slave in the bonded labour of the Italian Dictator Sonia Gandhi—is not capable of initiating any criminal action against Sonia Gandhi, Dr.Subramanian Swamy has sought the permission of the Prime Minister to prosecute Sonia Gandhi under the Prevention Of Corruption Act (1988).

The Indian National Congress —-a wholly owned Private Company of the
Italian (Mussolini type) Fascist Dictator Sonia Gandhi—has DEGENERATED INTO ANTI-NATIONAL ANTI-SOCIAL ANTI-INDIAN

ITALIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS committed to the mercenary, nay missionary, cause of Gargantuan Global Corruption of Sonia Gandhi and all the members of her family. In this Italian mafia game of trans-national corruption, she is duly assisted by first rate political cronies like Former Finance Minister Pa Chidambaram and the Present Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee who are all playing ducks and drakes with the economy of India and the helpless lives of our teeming millions.

In his recent book on 2G Spectrum Scam, a gigantic loot of public money in which former Union Telecom Minister Raja functioned as a willing and submissive conduit pipe  for Sonia Gandhi and her family, Dr.Subramanian Swamy has brilliantly concluded: “ Corruption misallocates resources             from the meritorious to the unworthy, the immoral, the criminal, the powerful or the illegitimately rich.”


All the people of India have to come together in the next General Elections to democratically throw out the Italian National Congress of Sonia Gandhi from power in the Government of India in New Delhi. Sonia Gandhi can be legitimately described as the female Alberto Fujimori of India. The people of Peru finally waged a united battle to throw out the corrupt, cruel and callous Dictator Alberto Fujimori of Japan
se origin. Likewise the people of India have to come together to throw out the cold blooded corrupt Italian Dictator Sonia Gandhi from the sacred soil of India.  This Italian dictator is capable of letting loose unprovoked state violence (with the help of her crooked cronies like Pa Chidambaram and Kapil Sibal) against the peace loving citizens of India. The barbarous violence let loose against Baba Ramdev and thousands of his followers who were peacefully sleeping in an enclosed shamiana on Ram Lila Grounds in New Delhi on the midnight of June 4-5 2011 should be viewed as an authentic pointer of the shape of things to come for the citizens of India.

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