Global Terror cradle-Pakistan

via Press Release published on December 16, 2008

Terrorism is the biggest challenge facing the country today. There has been a growing sense of outrage and anger against terrorism ever since gross inaction became the main feature of the incumbent Governments.

The gruesome attack on Mumbai has created an unprecedented environment against terrorism in the country and the people want some concrete action against this growing menace. Cutting across party lines the political parties have promised their unequivocal support to any concrete action against the perpetrators of such crimes against humanity.

As we all know almost every terrorist attack carried out in India has a cross border link. It is a fact which is now acknowledged by major global powers like the US and the UK. British Prime Minister Mr. Gordon Brown has recently said that over three fourth of terrorist attacks investigated in the UK had Pakistan and Al-Qeada links which is clear indication that the world leaders are well aware of Pakistan’s active involvement in terrorist activities carried through out the world.

We also know that the terrorists involved in Mumbai attack came from Pakistan and were Pakistani citizens. The proof of their nationality has been published in many foreign papers and even the terrorist nabbed by the Police has written a letter to the Pakistan Government that he is a Pakistani national. But, it seems, the Pakistan Government is still not convinced and looking for more evidence before it could take any action against people and organizations involved in launching terrorist attacks on India.

Even the UNSC ban on Jamat-ud-dawa has not been executed properly by the Pakistan Government. According to credible media reports the Jamat activists taken in detention by the Police have been released by the Government and they are roaming freely in the PoK.

What is even more disturbing that the Interior Ministry of Pakistan has directed all four provincial Governments to refrain from taking action against Jamat activists operating from madarsas which is an open violation of United Nation Security Council’s ban on the organization.

The BJP believes that Pakistan is unwilling to cooperate with India when it comes to war against terror. Pakistan has refused India from allowing it to interrogate any Pakistani national for his role in terrorist attacks in the country because it could expose the nefarious designs of the ISI.

The ISI should be put on International Watch for its active involvement in promoting terrorism and launching terrorist attacks on India.

Since India and Pakistan became independent in 1947, there has not been a single criminal case involving a Pakistani citizen in which it has extended mutual legal assistance to India– whether it was a case of terrorism, robbery, narcotics smuggling or even cattle lifting. It has had no hesitation in handing over nearly 200 Pakistani nationals suspected by the US as Al Qaeda members to the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the US without following the due process of law, but it has never handed over a single Pakistani criminal to India for trial.

The BJP forewarns that in its bid to counter terrorism the UPA Government should not rely much on Pakistan as it is least interested in taking any concrete action against terrorists and their outfits.

India needs an integrated Action Plan based on national consensus and diplomatic skills to decisively defeat terrorism. The opportunity is ripe for India to corner Pakistan for its poor response and track record against terrorism.

I have no hesitation in saying that Pakistan today is the cradle of global terrorism. If Pakistan continues to disregard its international commitments and defy international organizations then India should mobilize the world community and the UNSC to take stern action against Pakistan.

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