Getting India Right

published on October 17, 2011

This is the summary of Dr Babu Suseelan’s talk at New York protest meeting supporting Dr. Subramanya Swamy.


Even after sixty four years of independence, India is still drifting on different direction. Corruption is rampant. Criminal politicians are looting our wealth. Why corruption persists? Why criminal politicians are ruling our country? Why the visual and voice media is fooling us? Where did we take the wrong turn? That’s what proud Hindus are asking. Criminal politicians looting our wealth and the media manipulation are out of control. Corrupt politicians are surrendering our safety, security, national integrity and freedom. Instead of studying or taking appropriate and effective actions,  our inept leaders look for “quick Fix”, grab more power, loot money, misuse our judiciary, investigating agencies and government organizations at the expense of our Dharma, culture and future. The government headed by bogus secularists run amok and hurts the majority.

Huge waves of illegal Bangladeshi Muslims are flooding all over India and endanger our identity, safety and security. Some of the dangerous threats our third rate politicians are ignoring includes Maoist menace, subversive acts of Naxalites, terrorism of Naga Rebels, and Jihadis and military threats from Pakistani infiltrators and Chinese intruders.

How do we deal with these crises when our leaders refuse to do? What will rescue us at this juncture are the things that have always made India great: Hindu Dharma, a strong national defense, rule of law and continuity of our culture. The general public (Hindus and former Hindus) must demand accountability and force corrupt politicians to return to our core values and principles.

The phony secular, corrupt politicians are selling out, but there are brave, nationalist souls (Narandra Modi, Dr. Subramanya Swami, Swami Ram Dev and Anna Hazarre) the steps they are taking in India are broad and essential for our safety, security and survival as a nation. What is at risk if we fail to support them? If we fail to act now, our freedom, prosperity, cultural continuity and moral values and Dharmic principles and life of ourselves and our children, and grandchildren will be at stake. We must get it right—each and every one of us. And we need to start today.

In our ever changing, challenging world and in the context of Indian politics, the need for right ideas to solve the most pressing problems that face India has been taken on a new urgency.

Dr. Subramanya Swami is known to offer few suggestions for winning the future. We need to support him. We should not allow the anti national Congress Party headed by the corrupt, Italian catholic Sonia Maino and the hostile media continue its monopoly over the life of Indian mind. Dr. Swamy is farsighted and effective in his innovative policies. As a young MP, he showed how to fight tyranny and authoritarian rule, and strengthened our resolve. He knows that Indian values need to be strengthened in the present context.  He continues his invaluable work. His works demands our attention and support. He knows how to solve our intractable problems. Dr. Swamy is a great entrepreneur of ideas and deserves accolades.

India is losing its cultural identity, cultural freedom, economic prosperity, national pride and existence as a nation. There must be serious efforts from all of us to save India from the perils we face at home. We need your support. This protest march in New York organized by Indian American Intellectuals Forum should serve to bind us together, not to exaggerate our differences and divide us.

If Hindus are united and start demanding clean and strong administration, our criminal politicians will have no choice but to take the right course—one that is consistent with our cherished national principles-Hindu Dharma. This is the time for us to act now. Develop your strong opinion; debate vigorously, the issues of the day. We need the majority of Indians uninhibited participation. Do the best and avoid the odious practice of substituting personal attacks for substantive examination of the issues at hand.

We have assembled here in New York against the corrupt practices of criminal Indian politicians and the looting of our treasure by the Italian mafia gang leader Sonia Maino.  We are here not because of partisan hatred fueled by criminal politicians telling lies about each other. Hindus and former Hindus of India must remain firmly bound together by fraternal affection.

Dr. Subramanya Swami is expressing his ideas on how to contain Islamic terrorism, perhaps the most significant exposition of Jihadi terrorism against Hindus and India. He is a powerful advocate of his nationalist ideas. Dr. Swamy was not contemptuous of those who oppose him. He never insulted those who differed with him. Instead he advanced his clear, correct and comprehensive arguments with reason and persuasion.

But what do we hear today from the Congress Party leaders are bitter changes, shrill language, bogus and false accusations. Dr. Swamy and various Nationalist Hindu leaders are subject to a cacophony of partition invective that droves out the voices of reason and prevents national consensus. Inevitably this rising chorus of media incivility and political vendetta had a corrosive effect on our citizens.

In this changing context, restoring civility, protecting our nation, promoting our Dharma, and preserving our cultural-moral values is not an option. It is a necessity.

It is time for one and all to join together and present the real facts without distortion. It is time to regain our confidence and avoid ad homonym argumentation. Hopefully, Indian American Intellectuals Forum can ignite fire and force Hindus work hard for unity, peace, prosperity and freedom. Indian American Intellectuals Forum occupies a unique position in New York and indeed among Hindus around the world. At a time when public faith is fading in Indian organizations of all kinds, Indian American Intellectuals Forum enjoys increasing public trust. Indian American Intellectuals Forum creates news, opinion, and action and is made available to the people.                                                          

Indian American Intellectuals Forum is to promote sound, sane, and humane and corruption free policies in India and to make India safe from harm. We must and we should support nationalist leaders like Dr. Subramanya Swami to clean Indian politics from criminals. It is time for us to inform and force our politicians to take essential and measured steps in India that will ensure continuity of our eternal Dharma.

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