Future of Hindutva in Bharat

published on July 5, 2010

I got the opportunity to listen to the conference call with Shri Subrmaniam Swami on July 2. 2010. I would like to share his comments with you.I also want to clarify that these notes I made are my best recollection and hope you will excuse any unintentional omissions.

Madhur Shrivastava

The danger is not that the aggressor is stronger than us; the real danger is our own complacency

Main reasons for our complacency are:

•         We survived the onslaught of Islam for 700 years and of Christianity for 200 years and have come to think that Sanatan Dharma is indestructible.
•         Many Hindu concepts are being accepted worldwide.
•         Recent prosperity of Bharat.

Main issue is the existence/ survival of Hindu identity. The thing which brought that in focus was the arrest of Shankaracharya of Kanchi on false charges. Ram Setu is another example.


•         Complacency
•         Colonial mind set
•         Inability to hold our leaders accountable

Real threat is from Islam. There may be a war in 2 years.
Talibanization of Pakistan, fall of Afganistan to Talibans. Osama Bin Laden has already declared that Bharat is unfinished business of Islam.

Having a Hindu majority is not going to help. Secularism survives only when Hindus are in majority. If you see the districts and even villages where Muslim are a majority the condition of Hindus is deplorable there.

Things we can do:

•         Awareness of our heritage, learn Sanskrit. Even Tamil has 48% words from Sanskrit.
•         Learn correct history of Bharat. Be proud that we are the only one who fought the invaders and survived to become liberated. Europe fell to Christians in less than 50 years. The whole West Asia (Middle East) fell to Islam in only decades.
•         Hold our leaders accountable. Require them to be true to Hindu cause. Our mindset should be zero tolerance in this area.
•         Bond with other Hindus everywhere. There are 500,000 displaced Kashmiri Hindus in refugee camps.
•         Get our own national TV station and other media.

We have Govt. clearance to launch a national TV station, Krishna TV. We are looking to collect funds for 2 years operation. After 2 years the station will be commercially viable. Commercial programs will have a Hindu slant.

With regards to other media, we should think of some IT Network with appropriate mailing lists, web sites, blogs for discussion boards, online sign ups for volunteers. The way it works is – every Hindutva supporting person should be able to collect news, post the updates, share the information and ideas, among the other people using these IT networks. Currently google groups and yahoo groups are serving the purpose but we should think beyond these free services and create some professional networks and take it to the next levels.

Similarly print media like local news bulletins by local volunteers in remote villages by distributing the flyers. This can be possible by establishing grass-root level local groups of volunteers at every possible nooks and corners in India, which requires a high level organizational structure to maintain a network of volunteers.
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah ; Dharm protects those who protect the Dharm

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