Fund Raising to help Sangh Pariwar activist – Victim of Jihadi Terrorists

published on May 1, 2012

Following the infliction of serious wounds by Islamic militants, one of our Sangh Parivar activist Renjith is now under treatment in a hospital in Palakkad district. His condition is slightly critical. With the treatment amount a little on the higher side, his family members and Sangh members are struggling to find the right source of funding. He has undergone a surgery, for which the amount has been really high. Also the medicines that are required on daily basis are expensive too. Our co-workers of Sangh have spared no efforts in collecting money that is required on a periodic basis. In this context we make a fervent appeal on behalf of his family members and his co-workers to contribute for this cause religiously. A co-worker at Sangh is always a brother, whom we should help religiously, at the time of need.
In order to serve our brother financially, we have initiated the collection of finances, which began on 21 April, 2012. The closing date for the collection of funds is on 10th May, 2012. Let us all make our maximum contribution, bearing in mind that the days to the date of closure are fast approaching. In times of such need, let us all join together as a single entity and extend our full cooperation with all vigor and dedication. We request you to contribute in whatever ways you can on the financial front, because every single coin goes a long way in wiping the tears of a needy family.
Those of you who are gracious to make their contribution are requested to remit the amount to the group account. We have undertaken the complete responsibility of handing over the treatment amount to the family of the concerned person at the earliest.
As the saying goes, tiny drops make the mighty ocean, so also is the contribution made by each of you, whether big or small. The very thought and fact that a contribution has been made is what counts.
Following are the account details:

Account Holder Name : Sajeesh.P
Bank – SBI, Branch – Ottappalam
Account No – 30123336675
IFSC Code – SBIN 0000257

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