Free Tapanda ; Hindu Revivalist in WB under preventive arrest

published on November 3, 2014

2014:: Tapan Ghosh, President of Hindu Samhati (HS), a Hindu organisation working in West Bengal  and  his two associates Asitava Bhowmik and Sujit Maity, have been arrested by Chanchal Police Station for an unknown cause.

The news came to light from an email by Priyadarshi Dutta, a journalist in Niti Central.

“Shri Tapan Ghosh and Asitava Bhowmik of Hindu Samhati arrested by West Bengal police while conducting a private meeting with local Hindus under Chanchal (pronounced Chachol) Police Station, District Malda, West Bengal. It is suspected to be a preventive detention, in view Muharram tomorrow though the police is yet to specify the nature of detention. Shri Ghosh and Sri Bhowmik were on a tour of north Bengal. I just received a call from Shri Ghosh after they were detained. Malda is a frontier district with Muslim population suspected to have crossed 50 percent as per Census 2011 figures, yet undisclosed for religious demography.” ~ email from Priyadarshi Dutta at 7:47 PM.

The matter has been confirmed by Upananda Brahmachari, Editor, Hindu Existence.

“Just talked to OC Chanchal at Chanchal PS Land Line No. 03513-252256.

Police confirmed the arrest of Shri Tapan Ghosh, President of Hindu Samhati and Asitava Bhowmik his associate. 

Police did not disclose the cause of arrest  and told me to call again after 10-15 minutes. 

Friends, ask OC Chanchal the cause of arrest and tell the police for his immediate release.

These numbers are also important. SP Malda 03512-252520, 03512-252018. SDPO Chanchal 03513-251092.

It is a grave concern to crush Hindu Activities in West Bengal. Plz Act accordingly.” ~ email from Upananda Brahmachari  at 8:20 PM.

It is now known from Sri Upananda Brahmachari that he rang up the police once again and a Police staff (as ascertained his identity as Mr Asit Mondal and attending the phone call of Chanchol PS)  conveyed that he was unaware of the cause of arrest and only IC of Chanchol PS could narrate the cause. IC of Chanchol PS was not present at the time of call.

Finally it is known that Sri Tapan Ghosh along with his two aide, Sri Asitava Bhowmik and Sri Sujit Maity were arrested at Chanchal, Malda only to appease Muslims just a day before Muharram. They have been arrested for not obtaining permission for holding a rally though the fact of the matter is, they were holding an interactive session with Hindu Samhati activists inside a private enclave and that too without using any loudspeaker. It is also reported that IC (Inspector-in-Charge) of Chanchal police station, Tulsidas Bhattacharya  misbehaved with them without any provocation. Shameless Mamata Banerjee, her party TMC and spineless police and administration under their clutch are desperate not to allow Hindus to live with dignity and their rights for  propagation of Hinduism  and very much trying convert the state of West Bengal into another Pakistan.

Form a source it is intercepted that police has arrested the three Hindu leaders as a preventive (?) measure and they shall be sent to Malda tonight with Police escort after 10:30 pm for their release in the next morning.

Hindu Existence Forum demands immediate release of Sri Tapan Ghosh,  Asitava Bhowmik and Sujit Maity with full protection.

Hindu Existence Forum condemns the nefarious mentality and the policy of ruling party in West Bengal to oppress Hindu activities and to sprout Islamic fundamentalism in the state.

Bikarna Naskar, one of the vice presidents of Hindu Samhati conveys to HENB (Hindu Existence News Bureau) that there will be a protest Jam (path avrodh) in Central Kolkata at Moulali xing at 1-00 pm onwards tomorrow on 4th November on the very day of Muharram.

Update: 11-30 pm. Police kept all three leaders of Hindu Samhati in police custody in Chanchal Police Station. It is apprehended that the Police will produce them at Chanchal ACJM on 4th Nov 2014. The advocates on behalf of Hindu Samhati will move for bail petition.

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