For once UPA does the right thing; “Hangs Kasab” but “Top Secret Operation” raises questions

published on November 21, 2012

The Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab was hanged today morning per verdict given by the courts here. This was long over due to his mercy petition was pending before the president which was rejected by the incumbent Pranab Mukerjee. While there is no question that the government did the right thing by not delaying his execution once president rejected his mercy plea, the secrecy by which it carried out the verdict raises many questions.

Is it ok for the state to maintain secrecy while executing death verdicts? I am by no means a legal or constitution expert but from a layman point of view I feel the GOI erred here. As far as I am concerned the state has to maintain complete transparency while executing such verdicts. For one I believe death sentences like these are a must for any state to deal with hardcore cold blooded murderers. But the execution of death sentences must be in a very transparent manner & not done secretly. The execution of Kasab came a surprise to everyone this morning, of course a pleasant one. The feeling of justice being done was very much seen across the country via social media & some news reports.

I am not sure if the GOI has taken the political establishment into consideration while executing this “Pakistani terrorist”. Have seen reports that MEA had infact informed the Pakistani counterparts about the execution plans but they didn’t deem it fit to tell the Indian’s who have suffered in the hands of Kasab & his Jihadi friends. What was the rationale behind keeping this execution a secret is yet to be made public by GOI.

On a different note we have seen our police & judicial system being politicised. The way rich & famous get away by doing crimes in this country & rarely do we see a corrupt politician being convicted by judiciary. Right now the atmosphere in the country is so cynical that the trust on our constitutional institutions is at an all time low. Under these circumstances has the GOI done the right thing by keeping the Kasab Hanging a secret till they carried out the verdict or have they also set a wrong precedent? I guess there needs to be a debate on this to ensure we have not set a wrong precedent by secretly carrying out a death sentence in jail………………..

Breaking News Updates : 6.00 PM

The home minister of the country Mr.Sushil Kumar Shinde claimed that the execution of pakistani terrorist Kasab was a “Top Secret Operation” . He further claimed that none of his cabinet colleagues including PM Manmohan Singh & his party chief Sonia Gandhi have not been aware of such an operation. He says even they too came to know from the TV channels. Now this is the highest stupidity I have ever seen or heard ever. Kasab was by no means a petty theif, he is an ISI sponsored terrorist and this is no way to handle his execution which was awarded after due judicial process.

If what Mr.Shinde claims is true then it doesn’t augur well & also I feel he has set a wrong precedent. I hope no future minister from any government takes undue advantage  misuse this precedent set by Home minister

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