Flood relief activities by RSS Sanchalit Santrasta Parihara Samithi

via HK Correspondent published on October 6, 2009

Raichur District

Raichur and Manvi Taluks where the worst affected in the recent floods because of the overflowing of Tungabhadra  and Krishna rivers. Sangh swayamsevaks of both the taluks started the relief work since 3rd October 2009.

On 3rd Oct. 6000 food packets were prepared and handed over to Govt. machinery to be supplied through the helicopter to the people stranded in the floods. On 4th Oct. another 6000 food packets were distributed to the people of 3 villages who were camping at GanadalVillage.

On 5th Oct onwards Releif Camps were started at  Chickmanchali, Nadugaddemalakapur, TungabhadraVillages which are on the Banks of River Tungabhadra. This iniative gathered support from all the communities and organizations of Raichur. Around 50 swayamsevaks are  involved in this work. 

Bagalkot District: 

40 Villages of Hungund and Badami taluks were worst effected due to the flooding of MalaprabhaRiver.  Houses collapsed due to heavy rains all over the District.

Releif works like Food Distribution, Medical facilities were started in several villages by swayamsevaks.  On 3rd Oct.about 30000 Rotis were collected in Bagalkot  and distributed  in 6 affected villages. On 5th and 6th Oct.  swayamsevaks and collage students guided by Senior Sangh swayamsevaks started relief work in 28 villages. Food distribution & survey work of Damage caused  have been taken up. 

Belgaum District: 

The heavy rain pouring from last 2 weeks in the Belgaum district has caused immense loss of not only property but also of lives. On the same day following things were collected by our karyakartas and sent to the affected areas in Ramdurg and Savdatti talukas.


Rs.60,00 cash,


2 tons of Rice,


1quintal Daal,


Plastic sheets worth 60,000 was purchased and distributed to 500 houses in Savdatti  taluka,


19 karyakartas from Belgaum city went to Ramdurg, Savdatti and Bailhongal taluka for 2days to monitor the relief work.

Total 76 swayamsevaks worked for all 3 days and arranged Ganji Kendra (langar) in 7 villages in Ramdurg Taluka and 2 places in Ramdurg city for 3 days where more than 12,000 people were served food and also distributed plastic covers for 250 houses and 170 houses in Sureban village of Ramdurg taluka. In Savdatti taluka Ganji Kendra ran for 3 days at 6 places wherein 3000 people were served food. Also our 20 swayamsevaks worked in the Ganji Kendra run by other social organizations. Total 230 karyakartas worked for 3 days in Ramdurg taluka and more than 100 swayamsevaks in Savdatti taluka. Around 5 doctors are working in the affected areas of both the taluka. A cash amount of Rs.1.5 lakhs was collected in 2 days by the swayamsevaks in Belgaum city.

A doctor’s meeting is called for in the evening to collect medicines which will be distributed into the affected areas through the doctors working there. Apart from this 1 ton of rice, 1 quintal of daal and other food materials along with plastic sheets for 500 houses was sent to Bijapur District.

Gadag District:

Releif work was started on 4th Oct.in Holealur, Nargund, Mundargi,Magadi,and Vaasan. Food was prepared and distributed to 2600 people daily for 3days.15 Swayamsevaks of Magadi village repaired the damaged road between Gojanur & Akkigonda village. 


Releif Centres


No. of Swayamsevaks Working

Work Undertaken






Food, Medicine, Plastic sheet

15000 people





Food distribution, Medical facilities

4500 people






Food & Rescue

2600 people





Food distribution, Medical facilities

1800 people

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