Fiddling PM, looting UPA, burning India

via K.Vijayan published on August 1, 2010

The de jure PM is fiddling, most of the time in some Western Capital, after having succesfully aided and abetted in setting India ablaze. All constituents of the UPA and its Minority Cabinet are looting the country without let or hindrance. The very institutions which are supposed to protect Democracy have been fully politicsed, perverted and corrupted – Secularised in the Congress Definition of the word.

Omar, his abbajaan and relatives have had a field day under Congress Party Rule, killing off lakhs of Hindus in their state and driving out the rest. Now the cutwas in the valley are fighting among themselves, having nothing better to do, and with an obliging Un Principled Alliance providing them with all subsidies and food so that there is no need for the bastards to earn a living. Added bonus of crores from Pakistan being paid, maybe in counterfeit Rupee notes to “non-violent and peaceful protestors” to indulge in “stone throwing” six times a day after the azaan, and double that on Fridays.

And we have our intellectuals and hireable Nautch Girls of the Media and NGOs talking of “Kashmir Burning”.

Any one of these mention repatriating, rehabilitating and resettling the Hindus first before importing more jihadis  from across the border?

If this cannot be done let the Army take over and shoot down a few thousand jihadis in the State starting from those at the top, and drive out those who want “azadi” and Shariat Law at Hindu Tax Payers’ expense in a Hindu Country.

They can take the Fake Hair of the murderous prophet along with them too.

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