Fatwa against Dr Swamy and Sanjay Raut

via IAIF Press Release published on April 30, 2015


We are horrified to note that Mulla Moin Siddiqui, President of All India Faizan-e-Madina Council, a radical Islamist organization, has declared a Fatwa and offered a bounty of 5 million Indian rupees on the head of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, a senior BJP leader and 2.5 million Indian rupees on the head of Sanjay Raut, a Shiv Sena Member of Indian Parliament, respectively.

After the advent of ISIS, Indian Muslims have been considerably radicalized. People like Moin Siddiqui derive their inspiration from ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Al Nusra, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Indian Mujahideen, SIMI and other similar terrorist groups extolling the virtue of violence, hate and savagery; and practice Islamic supremacism.

India is a sovereign democratic republic and runs according to its Constitution. Issuance of Fatwa by these hotheads is not only an antithesis of the democratic spirit of Indian nation but ultra vires of Indian Constitution, and hence illegal. It is a matter of great disgrace that radical Islamists run their own parallel government in a Hindu nation and brazenly issue orders to kill top Hindu leaders! The diabolical aim of these Islamo-fascists is to gag the voice of Hindus and terrorize them into submission.

Hindus and other non-Muslims whom devout Muslims consider “infidels” should understand clearly that Islamic Jihad is the doctrine of permanent warfare. Muslim religious scriptures ordain on Muslims to keep on fighting until the country where they live is converted from dar al-Harb (enemy country) to dar al-Islam (Islamic nation). Hence, it will be not only futile but also the height of our idiosyncrasy to believe that we can counter their bigotry and obscurantism by dilettantism; and will defeat the Jihadists.

It is also the first and foremost duty of the Government of India to protect their citizens from this kind of harassment and threats to their existence. Any procrastination by Indian Government over this critical issue will further embolden the radical Islamists, fifth columnists, agents provocateurs, sleeping cells, who are anxiously waiting to unleash murder and mayhem, death and destruction on simple-minded, peace-loving Hindus.

In order to stop the extermination, extirpation and annihilation of Hindus, it is incumbent on the part of Government of India to take immediate and stringent action against Mr. Siddiqui and put him in the Tihar Jail for him to languish there for the rest of his life.

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