Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed ‘s Promise, to ensure ‘Muslims remain Muslims’

published on May 8, 2010

“In his book ‘My eleven years with Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed’, Mr. Fazle Ahmed Rehmaney provides an interesting case which throws great light on the psychology of secularism. During the Emergency days, when the members of the Jamat-e-Islami were put in the same jail as the members of RSS, the former began to discover that the latter were no monsters as the latter were made to believe by ‘nationalist’ propaganda; therefore they began to think better of their Hindu brothers. This sent alarm into the hearts of secularists and nationalists. Maulavis belonging to the Jamat-e-Islami-e-Hind met the President (Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed) and reported to him about the growing rapport between the leaders of the two communities. This ‘stunned’ President Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed and he said that this carried “ominous future for Congressite Muslim leaders”. He also promised that “he would speak to Indiraji about this dangerous development and ensure that the Muslims remain Muslims”.

A Snippet from , Sri Ram Swarup – The greatest Hindu intellectual of post-independent India by Shri V Sundaramhttps://www.haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=11029&SKIN=B

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