FACT Exhibition on Aurangazeb forced to Stop in Tamilnadu

via HK published on March 7, 2008

CHENNAI: Showing once again the true colours of their masters Tamilnadu Police put halt to FACT (Foundation against Continuing Terrorism) exhibition of renowned Indologist and French Journalist Francois Gautier at Lalit Kala Akademi here. The artistic exhibition was revealing and exposing the brutalities of Aurangazeb against Hindus

The Akademi asked FACT to vacate the hall though it was booked till March 9 following pressures from high levels. Yesterday Assistant Commissioner of Police K N Murali and Lalit Kala Akademi authorities threatened the organisers but their move to stop the exhibition was thwarted due to timely intervention of Hindu leaders

Two paintings  – one on the demolition of the Saranath temple in Gujarat in 1669 and the other having vignettes of the destruction of Keshava Rai temple at Mathura (1669) and the building of a mosque –irritated a the so called Prince of Arcot Nawab Mohammed Abdul Ali and he created scenes yesterday in the venue.

The Authorities were quick to respond to the ban call by various Jihadi groups against the Exhibition.

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