via Dr.BABUSUSEELAN published on September 16, 2008


Christian missionaries in India enjoyed much support from
European Christian colonial masters who controlled the political, economic and
educational institutions for centuries, to 1947. With the active support of the
European Christian colonialists, missionaries founded churches, large scale
political organizations, and educational institution. Even after independence,
political parties handed over Christians an influential position in India.
Leaders of the Church became key advisers and also exercised political,
economic, and educational functions as government leaders. 
They have penetrated and controlled several national institutions that
were taking shape after independence.  Christians have created
the press, economic institutions, commercial enterprises, as well as grabbed
urban and forestland, established non-governmental organizations, schools,
colleges and formed political parties. Coercive and deceptive conversion of
Hindus increased the number of Christians which reshaped several states. No
wonder that from the beginnings of 1950’s political Christianity made all the
political, economic and educational decisions and controlled everything. Hindus
could scarcely make their way in education, media and commerce. Political
Christianity formed a special clique, finding their ideal in real estate,
education, health industry, media, plantation and commerce. They operated in
theory, that Christians should be strategically placed in policy decision
bodies. The Church built large estates, business enterprises, banks, and
educational institutions. Political Christianity in India maintains that
Christians had first to constitute an appropriately divided Hindu society of
classes. This they would accomplish only when they formed caste based
organizations and regional political parties. Then Hindus would continue their
class division and the Church would accomplish their goal. Historically,
political, cultural, and economic Christianity had in common a sense of
competition with Hinduism. Christians dismiss Hindu spiritual and cultural
traditions. The Church clearly intent on liberating Hindus from their cultural
roots and enslave them with rigid, closed, divisive and linear Christian dogma.
 Missionaries with the closed, rigid and non-compromising
dogma are obsessed with the idea of converting Hindus who believe in pluralism,
tolerance and the all inclusive Vedic philosophy. Comprehensive and spiritual
Vedic thought has always posed a serious challenge and dilemma for the Christian
Church. For centuries, unable to challenge the broader and systemic Hindu
philosophy, Christian missionaries have resorted to deceptive mind manipulation
strategies to trap and convert Hindus.


Pseudo Political leaders and India’s alienated intellectuals
failed to provide pride and dignity to Hindus and they despise and demean them.
Political parties and secular leaders allowed Christians not only to influence
government policies, but also tolerated their attack on Hindu spiritual
practices. This political patronage enabled Christians to exercise an
influential anti Hindu role in public life and in

The power of the Church in India is enormous. Massive inflow of
foreign fund helped the Church to influence the media, own large tracts of urban
and forestland, control political parties, as well as own commercial and
educational institutions. Their explicit purpose, among other things, is to stop
Hindu consolidation and get them to fight on caste lines. In order to solidify
their growing hegemony, Christians have made alliance with the Congress party,
the Marxists, and regional parties as well as with parochial

The explosive effect of this unholy alliance can be gauged by the
emergence of Christian power in central and several state governments. Control
of educational institutions, trade, plantation and real estate brought wealth to
Christians in ways Christians had never known. All the while, Christian
organizations received massive amounts from abroad for conversion


Christian conquests are more and more commercial and less
spiritual. Well-established business, trade and commerce proved better, more
wealth producing mode of occupation than spirituality. Concurrent with
commercial success, the Church with the help of foreign fund elevated the role
of political interference with absolute control of government in many states.
Political influence of Christians in India marked the modern scene to an extent
unknown before.



One of the more alarming trends in India in recent years is the
growing number of evangelical Christian organizations. This growth has been
accompanied by an astonishing increase in Christian missionary activities which
target Hindus for conversion. Well over 3,000 missionary groups which obsessed
to convert Hindus spend over a billion dollar each year for conversion work in
India. Evangelical Christian groups sponsor hundreds of full-time missionaries.
They also sponsor television and radio programs.  Missionaries
have sponsored thousands of non-governmental organizations for overt and covert
activities for furthering Christian causes.

These evangelical Christians use deceptive tactics to attract
secular Hindus, journalists, academicians and westernized intellectuals.
Evangelical missionary groups use Hindu names for their organizations to attract
and trap innocent Hindus. They frequently misquote, mistranslate and
misrepresent Hindu scripture and texts in order to use it as a bait and switch
game. Evangelical missionaries are specially trained in mental misdirection and
psychological war. They know well how to conceal, camouflage, and distortion of
reality and power play. This deceptive game involves getting Hindus to trust,
like, and feel comfortable with their bait and switch game, so they will want
Hindus to do what they want to do. They use sophisticated psycho programming for
softening people up for the kill. Like most power plays, softening people up for
the kill is dangerous. It is not transparent enough for Hindus to see through
and choose not to say to buy into it.



Evangelical Christian organizations advertise under the heading
of Human Rights, Dalit Organizations, Solidarity movements of the oppressed,
Environmental Protection groups and social service agencies. Their goal is to
mentally misdirect Hindus, to fabricate false reality, erase memory, and soften
them for “thought implant”.

Pamphleteering and false advertisement of evangelist Christians
are on the increase. There is an upsurge in Christian pamphlets being
distributed at Hindu festivals, temples and sacred places of pilgrimage.
Missionary groups aggressively distribute Christian publications to denigrate
Hindu deities at Sabarimala, Thirupathi, Guruvayoor, Ujjain, Benares, Palani,
Uduppi, and Sivagiri where Hindus congregate in large

In addition, missionary groups employ scare tactics, intimidation
and violence to discourage and prevent Hindus from organizing protest against
deceptive conversion tactics.  Evangelical missionary groups
engage in a variety of relatively benign deceptions intent to leave secular
Hindus with a more positive impression on them. The real purpose for engaging in
hidden agenda power plays is conversion of innocent Hindus. Hidden agendas,
psycho programming and mind manipulation techniques are used to entice
unsuspecting Hindus. The secret they keep from others and the camouflage they
use to disguise their true intentions has dangerous consequences for Hindu
society. Beneath the polished exterior of Christian educational institutions
lies a burgeoning political and cultural war machine that strikes at the
traditional spiritual values of India.



The Christian missionaries have already infiltrated religious
organizations, media, social agencies, political parties and institutions of
higher learning and threaten to bring down Hindu society. They continue to
poison our cultural tradition, moral values, spiritual beliefs, and thus destroy
the social fabric of our nation from within. It is a massive culture war which
has disastrous consequences for Hindus and India.  Their game
plan is to misdirect Hindus and delegitimize Hinduism by claiming that
Christianity is the only path to salvation.


Several missionary organizations disguise as human rights and
social service organizations. In fact, they fraudulently represent themselves as
human right and social activists, and these so-called human right and social
service organizations are elaborately disguised Christian front organizations.
Most of these non-governmental organizations that receive foreign fund exhibit
“messiah madness” and manifest a great sense of urgency to convert as many
Hindus as possible for creating a Christian vote bank.

Recent Christian violence in Orissa, Bihar, Kerala and Tamil Nadu
are perfect example of the deceptive practices used by evangelical proselytizing
groups. There are at least 500 Christian proselytizing organizations that
operate with foreign fund in Orissa and Bihar alone, which are actively
targeting Hindus for conversion. Recently deceptive and aggressive conversion
efforts have led to escalating tension throughout Bihar.


Incredibly, many of the evangelical Christian aggression are the
direct result of certain government policies to appease Christians. Policies of
Christian and Muslim reservation, quota system and special privileges are in
fact, effective in promoting mischievous Christian power play and aggressive
conversion tactics.

There has been an ominously deafening silence from secular
political leadership at all levels. This silence itself is complicit in creating
a favorable atmosphere for Christian conversion groups. Phony secular leaders
engage in ineffective maneuvers to maintain the status quo and avoid unpleasant
thoughts to the back of their minds because thinking about deceptive missionary
conversion practices only make matters worse. Consequently, what they do in the
name of maintaining equilibrium only deceive them. It is a self-defeating
behavior that may lead to disaster.

Most frightening are the bogus intellectuals, journalists and
alienated intellectuals and armchair academicians, who at the helm of this
Christian invasion, try to force insidious and deeply harmful Christian dogma
upon the throats of Hindus under the name of mindless universalism. These pseudo
secular leaders smug their attitudes as they ridicule us of our spiritual



As Hindus face the ongoing deceptive conversion gang and their
sponsors around the world, we must cope with the continuing scourge of denial,
accommodation and cowardice. Hindus need to recognize the dangers of putting our
faith in mindless universalism- when the times call for decisive action. For
only through strong defense of our spiritual culture, freedom at home and
abroad, can we preserve, practice and promote our tolerant and all inclusive
thought system in the dangerous world.

Hindus must exercise constant vigilance to educate about the true
nature of the hidden agendas of Christian groups and non-governmental
organizations funded and directed by foreign agencies. Their mission is couched
in ecclesiastical terms but their ulterior motive is to diminish Hindu
population by coercive conversion.

Hindus must be aware that the value of free speech and the basic
right to free expression is not absolute under the Indian constitution. Hindus
have the right to oppose Christian hate speech and deceptive practices that deem
offensive. Awareness, education and assertive protest seem to be the best way of
confronting deceptive missionary proselytizing. Teaching and informing Hindus
that Hindus need not believe in the Christian dogma, not to tolerate intolerant
and deceptive conversion practices and Christian churches are to deceive the
Hindu community are important first steps.

Though many political and community leaders have sought economic
development and social reform, particularly globalization, they have generally
been unwilling to see the power play and hidden agendas of the Churches. One key
to the success of evangelical Christian deceptive conversion is that Hindus
tolerate the hidden agendas and sinister games of the missionaries. The trouble
with tolerating coercive religious conversion, of course, is that while we’re
averting our eyes, the evangelists grows and festers around India. Their goal is
political domination and this has been true for the past few

Indeed, the greatest threat to our nation is Christian and Muslim
appeasement policies-and selfish opportunism- of the pseudo secular
politicians. The Congress party, the Marxists and several parochial regional
parties are ideologically inclined toward appeasement and special privileges for
Christians and Muslims. These corrupt, antinational political parties dismiss or
understate hidden agendas of evangelists.  And of course,
rather than containing or confronting political agendas of the missionary
groups, they acquiesce with them.

Hindus can no longer afford to remain silent or passive when
Hindus encounter Christian bigotry and hatred. The consequences of silence and
passivism are too dangerous for our nation and for the Hindu civilization. We
must not surrender the public arena to the forces that seek to promote hatred
and polarization amongst various communities in our nation. Deceptive
evangelical missionary conversion tactics must be actively resisted and
responded to so that such hidden hatred and subversive plan become totally
unacceptable in our country.


If unchallenged and unchecked, coercive religious conversion can
erode and destroy our spiritual tradition, dismantle our social fabric and
destroy our moral foundation. Every Christian statement is a deliberate attack
on the pluralistic and spiritual tradition of our society and on our sacred
values that demand respect, tolerance, and kindness for all who live in the


Hindu organizations must see diverse Hindus as a people with a
vision not of what was, but of what in order to be. Hindu leaders must take that
vision and transform into fact. Hindus must now break the wall of denial. No way
around it. At some point, every Hindu is confronted with danger of deceptive
conversion ploys. How we choose to combat that challenge is often life-defining.
Hindus can face injustice and fraudulent conversion plans head-on or run from
them, or ignores them until they consume every Hindu. But no one escapes
conflict and confrontation. Hypocritical politicians see no evil in deceptive
evangelical missionary practices, ever seek or act against it. These pseudo
secular politicians who do not acknowledge evil are spiritually lost.

Tolerance, complacency, avoidance, apathy and acquiesce of
deceptive missionary practices will not lead to spirituality. It leads to
confusion, chaos and immorality. Only by ignoring evil practices can a nation
embrace deviance that ends in weakness and decadence.

It is time for Hindus to wake up, join together and show courage and
determination to discriminate between good and evil to create a strong nation.
It is a culture war, a paradigm conflict. It is a political invasion from
within. It is a bloodless war for the minds, hearts, and souls of Hindus. It is
being waged with force, foreign fund and deception on our television, in the
class rooms, in the media and in the political fields. It is a constant and
continuing war on our spiritual values in order to weaken our nation. We must
stand up and take sides in this war for the minds


Misinformation Campaign


misinformation as part of their psychological warfare against Hindus is rampant
on a global scale. Few days ago, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) aired a
Christian orchastered attack against a
Church prepared specially for the purpose.
One Sajan George blamed the destruction on to BJP, VHP, Bjarang Dal and RSS. The
pictures were clearly visible and evident that the attack was orcharastered for
western propaganda. Christians with the help of Indian converted Christians and
their cohorts working for few Christian breadcrumbs are colluding with
psychological war operations experts to malign Hindus and tarnish Hindu
organizations. Pamphlets and booklets are prepared and distributed during Hindu
pilgrim season and near Hindu temples to ridicule Hindy Gods and festivals.
Indian Embassy in foreign countries turn a blind eye to these propaganda
orchestrated by converted Indian Christians and their foreign agents. Since
Christians are no match for the open ended, all inclusive, tolerant Hindutva,
they are turning to low level, well planned and psychological warfare to attack
and malign Hindus. Hindus need to design an effective shield against
psychological operations. Media is paid to work as handmaiden to these inimical
forces in
India .

Evangelization and subversion
of states


Three reports:

1. Seven hundred plans to
evangelize the world

2. Ram Swarup’s expose of

3. Robert Kaplan’s idea of
bringing in Baptists and other missionaries to subvert the Burmese


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