“ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” – Walk the Talk with the people?

via Dr. Mrs Hilda Raja published on September 19, 2009

‘Enough is enough’, Modi’s cautioning words to the anti-Gujarat forces has not come a day early. Be it the State fight against terrorism, or the police encounter in which Ishrat and her four companions were killed down to H1N1 it is Modi who is faulted at. But if the State is buoyed with growth and shows a vibrant Gujarat it is not because of Modi but because of unchanneled and unchartered forces in the State which trigger growth.

The media is ever at its besat when it comes to Modi bashing. The Congress led UPA government reveals its nervous and always targets Modi which is a clear indication that it suffers from Modi phobia. Worse things are happening in UP and in other Congress ruled States. Take for example this- had Modi put up a single statue of his the whole UPA government would have gone hammer and tongs at him. But here is a government in UP spending crores on building statues of those dead and alive and its CM goes to the Centre for more finances. The Congress spokes man Tiwari had the check to call the Modi’s government a man eating government. This because he was given the clue by his leader Mrs Sonia Gandhi who called Modi ‘merchant of death’ Lets for a moment use these against the users-namely the Congress and Mrs Sonia Gandhi. How will the media react? Will the Congress not organize rallies and burn the effigy of Modi? Will it not demand an unconditional apology from Modi? Why this two yardsticks in public probity. Has the Congress and Mrs Sonia Gandhi the license to heap unparliamentary words against Modi and his government?

The very fact that Modi is targeted reveals that he is strong and causes alarm to the Opposition. Even if Nitish warmly embraces him-then Nitish is faulted. Is Modi a political untouchable? P.Chidambaram uses the US soil to hit at Modi’s government in the police encounter of Ishrat. He does not hesitate to rubbish his ministry’s affidavit and Chidambaram is an ‘honorable’ man. Intelligence inputs are given to the Gujarat government not to meant to kill states thereby Chidambaram puts new meaning in an affidavit and in intelligent inputs passed on to the State governments. Being an honorable man he should explain what the State government should do with intelligence inputs? Perhaps even he conveniently forgot that in the Mumbai war attack he confessed that intelligence failed and apologized. He had just taken charge as Home Minister and the elections were round the corner so the Honorable Minister was most profoundly apologetic-apology for the loss of lives-apology for a war waged against the country apology for the targeting of India’s economic capital, hitting at the sovereignty of the country and sending a message clear and loud of the intend of Pakistan. Is it not befitting of the Home Minister an honorable man to engage in the exchange of dossiers and not move one step forward in this 26/11 attack..-but to strut across the political scenario with such apologies. Chidamabram has himself confessed that Maoists menace is on the increase, cross border terrorism is on the increase-and till date the terrorists involved in bomb blasts across the country have not been apprehended. Is the media listening? What a record for the UPA and the Home Ministry. We are only entertained with big talk. Pakistan is fully aware that Indians can only talk but cannot act. Look at China slowly but steadily has occupying our land. Pranab Mukherjee is on record when as Home Minister denied the incursions of China. The same psychology continues till date with the Congress.When Krishna Menon was making the longest speech in the UN Assemble back at home Nehru and Chou Enlai were embracing each other amidst the thunderous slogans ‘India-China bhai,bhai while all the time Chinese troops were readied to attack India in a matter of hours. Has the Congress learned anything from history? One cannot change the leopard spots.

So shall we put up another mechanism to monitor the Chinese activities in the border? And Chidamabram can blame the BJP government for not taking necessary precautions. Soon we will have China Occupied Kashmir along with POK. With all this the Congress led UPA government shows no sign of preparedness, firmness and resolve.. The whole attention is how to hit at Modi.How to hold on to the gaddi-how to keep the dynasty line succession firm and intacted.

The media now the second rung of the Congress coterie plays the game to the hilt. Pota has been repealed simply because it was enacted by the BJP and because the UPA wants to project itself as Muslim friendly. Otherwise why this soft approach towards terrorists?Why has this country not punished a single terrorists till date.Why had Chidamabaram like a offended child run to the US to point at Pakistan and complain how ‘big brother’ is being victimized and harassed by Pakistan allowing its soil and military to abet terrorism. He returns happy that US has taken note of his complaint. Can we not manage our affairs with a little more of courage, and sense of duty-can we not show some guts, can we not put an end to this menace of a Pakistan and shed this dependence syndrome?

No, because the first concern of the Congress is to always to project itself as Muslim friendly-does not matter if Muslims are perpetrators.

What can be the explanation for the ominous silence of the Home Minster in the communal riots in Miraj, of the desecration and the vandalisation of the Ganesh pandals ?

If the governments both at the State level and Centre did not take action will it be shocking if there is a retaliation?

 Does the UPA government expect the Hindus to sing bhajans while their sacred palces and idols are violated?

Will the Maharastra government pay compensation for the vandalized pandals?

Did not the Centre give compensation to the riot affected minority communities in Kandhammal ?

It is unbelievable that the Congress led UPA government is least concerned with the security of the people and the safeguarding of the territorial borders of this country. They are only concentrating on the elections in Maharatra and indulging in cheap gimmicks like economy travel-another political propaganda. Whom are they trying to hoodwink?

The media goes all gag gag when it comes to publicizing Rahul Gandhi’s train travel but the immense hardships the passengers who have no other alternative but travel in the ‘cattle carriages’ had to undergo by this political austerity drama of the Congress is overlooked.

Modi has been elected as the President of the Gujarat Cricket Association (GCA) Immediately Narendra Modi becomes ‘Narendra Singh Dhoni’ for the media. Was the media given the POA to change the name of the CM? Is Modi the first CM to take charge of the cricket at the State level? Did the media change the name of Sharad Pawar to Pawar Tendulkar? So Modi remains Modi and can by no stretch of the imagination of the media become Dhoni. Why this kind a treatment meted out to Modi. Modi’s assertion that his strength is the 5.5 crore people of his State is an apt reminded to the media and his harassers and anti –Gujarat forces.

‘Enough is enough’ the people of Gujarat will not take it lying if this trend continues. If Modi was refused a visa to the USA again there is jubilation.

Is it not an insult to the people of Gujarat that its elected representative was rejected a visa”?

Is it not a slap on the face of the Centre Government that one of its constitutional elected Chief Ministers was denied a visa?

Why had the USA acted in this fashion-Was it not the duty of the Government of India to register its protest?

Is it because of the Gujarat riots then what about the communal riots across the country?

On the same score not one of the Congress leaders involved in the Sikh massacre should be given a visa. Sonia Gandhi is guilty by her silence during that time when she was part of the house hold. Now 25 years later to apologize because the Sikh votes counted will not wipe away her guilt because “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for the good men to do nothing” At least from this angle Sonia and the Congress leaders are guilty and stand indicted in the genocide of 3000 Sikhs-rape of hundreds of Sikh women. This is a blot in its history and in the history of this country.

If the rape of one nun can be cited by Manmohan Singh as a blot on the nation then what will he term the rape of hundreds of his own community women, supervised, directed and abetted by the Congress leaders during the riots in 1984?

There can be no different justice standards-if Narendra Modi is faulted for the 2002 Gujarat riots then the same kind of justice judgment must be extended to Mrs Sonia Gandhi and the Congress party for its open involvement of the massacre of another minority community. The pot cannot call the kettle black.

The media has lost its credibility to disseminate correct information, to educate people and to create awareness towards justice issues. It is so blatantly one -sided both in its perception and its relay of information. Even the interviewers of the TV channels like Arnab Gosami,Karan Thapar do not made an attempt to hold a straight face but show their bias both in words and in facial expressions and in putting words into the mouth of the interviewees at times not allowing them even to complete their sentences. They talk down to the viewers and give their own versions and conclusions blocking the viewers to get the opinion of the interviewees. The Fourth Estate has become like a cheap columnist of the ruling class and fails in duty and its obligation.This is a tragedy.

Who is then on the side of the people, to walk along with the people, to stimulate them to thinking and to air their opinions?

The voice of the voiceless need to be heard it cannot be gauged by ‘Walk the Talk’ with individuals.

Will the media please stand by the powerless people for Justice and walk the talk with them?

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