Emerging questions on Education and Employment system in North Eastern States

published on June 8, 2012
Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad  

National Executive Council Meeting

24-27 May, 2012 – Ernakulam (Kerala)          

Resolution No. 3 :              
Unforesighted policies of Education by the Governments of the North Eastern States, Corruption,anarchy in the field of education and development have forced nearly 1.5 lakh students to migrate to other states for education.        

The North Eastern Region could have occupied the foremost place in the country, if the resources of the region full of natural wealth, would have been used not only in the field of education but also in other areas of development. This NEC of ABVP has its clear view that the central and particularly the state governments are fully responsible for this state of affairs of the North Eastern States.

In spite of Rs. 640 crores were given to the North Eastern States for the promotion of Education under 10th five year plan, but even today there are only 14 Universities, 33 Engineering Colleges, 17 Polytechnics, 10 Medical Colleges and 47 Professional Colleges in the North Eastern Regions. In addition to limited number of educational institution at every state, students are deprived of basic facilities from primary to higher education. Looking at the number of institutions it can clearly be said that the Educational Sector is grossly neglected here.             

NEC of ABVP expresses its concern over the corrupt and dictatorial attitude of Vice-Chancellors of the Universities of the North Eastern States. Offices of the Vice – Chancellors have become the hubs of corruption. Not allowing the members of the Fact Finding Committee appointed by Hon. President of India, to meet the representatives of teachers and student organizations, makes their dastardly attitude very much clear. ABVP strongly condemns these corrupt and anti-education Vice – Chancellors and demands that they should be removed from their posts immediately.       
North Eastern India is having rich and ample resources like tea, oil, natural gas, flora-fauna and forest reserve. But because of the corrupt and unstable employment policies of the inactive State Governments, the people have to face the problem of un-employment. Therefore ABVP demands that educational policies be framed for the north east region with the help of intelligentsia and educationists.

NEC of ABVP is of the clear opinion that the rate of the growth can be increased by imparting employment oriented Education and by encouraging road transport and initiating new industries. There are endless possibilities of employment generation through the field of education for the students of North Eastern States, such as tourism, Food processing, agriculture, bamboo products, sports, silk-technology. Enough number of employment generating institutions should be opened in the region, and information technology be given encouragement. Students from North Eastern India should get the priority in the admission for these institutions, and at the same time arrangements be made to keep control over the institutions coming from outside the region. ABVP is of the opinion that the students studying in the educational institutions of other states are not only economically exploited, but also the boys and girls are facing harassment at the hands of the criminal elements. As a result a feeling of insecurity is created among these students. We expect all student community to take initiative to create suitable atmosphere for the students from North Eastern States, we also expect that the governments and educational institutions should take an initiative for their proper security, and should form special committees for this purpose.

NEC demands that the state government of the north eastern region should take an initiative to improve the conditions of education and employment otherwise it will launch a student agitation for it. At the same time. ABVP appeals the social organizations of the country in general and that of the North East in particular to come forward to be a part of this agitation to force the concerned state governments for the change.

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