‘Don’t interefere in our Religous Matters’-Fatwa Guns to Indian Judiciary

via HK published on October 28, 2007

New Delhi :Grand Mufti of Jammu Kashmir, Bashiruddin Ahmed expressed his displeasure over the recent Supreme Court direction to make the registration of marriages compulsory for Muslims and Christians as well.

Habibur Rahman the in charge of Fatwa factory Darul Uloom Deoband and UP’s Immam’s organisation president Mufti Zulfiqar also straight away rejected the SC directive and told Indian Judiciary should not interfere with their religious matters. The Muslim marriages cannot be bound by the new ruling told Muslim Scholars

Apparently, main concern is about the Maintenance charges a Muslim has to five if divorced!. If the Marriage is not officially registered they can still get rid of their wives just with a Tripple Talaq and law of land can’t question it!

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