Don’t dabble in Politics, If you are a True Sanyasi – Parameswarji to Agnivesh

via BVK Press release published on September 18, 2011

Thiruvananthapuram : Swami Agnivesh’s prescription that dialogue is the only way to deal with naxalite violence is too simplistic and only selectively applicable. There are extremist elements supported by external anti-Indian agencies who are out to destabilize the security of India, intent on spreading separatism.

There are also people who have genuine grievances, whom successive governments have continuously neglected and for whom the fruits of developments remain only a dream. They, many times, unwittingly fall into the traps of unscrupulous anti-national forces. Both can’t be clubbed together.

Dialogue, is no doubt, one of the strategies but not the panacea for naxalite violence.Indian polity from ancient times has prescribed a four-fold approach in such complex situations. Sama (dialogue), Dana (offering gifts), Bheda (divide the opposing forces) and Danda (crush by force).

These four have to be judiciously combined by the rulers to achieve maximum benefit. Mahabharata war could not be averted even by the master strategist Sri Krishna by means of dialogue. Mahatma Gandhi could not avoid partition of the country inspite of his principled stand of dialogue to bring Mohamed Ali Jinna around for the cause of a united India .

Sanyasi and Politics

Raja Dharma is not the same as Sanyasi Dharma. It is better to keep them apart. If Swami Agnivesh is a genuine Sanyasin, let him not dabble in politics but follow the path of real Sanyasa. Let him leave politics to politicians.

If he continues to mix up the two, he will become suspect in the eyes of all. If Anna Hassare team treated him as a villain in the end, he has no one else to blame.

P Parameswaran
Bhatheeya Vichara KenDirector

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