Don’t confuse, Rahul Gandhi is no “Bacha”

published on December 17, 2010

The latest Wikileaks expose on Rahul Gandhi’s conversations with US envoy have come as a shocker for many. Here the ‘crowned prince” of ruling Congress party, meets up with Timothy Roemer, the US ambassador to India at a party hoisted by Congress president Sonia Gandhi. The US diplomat use this opportunity to probe on Rahuls’ perception of Lashkar threat to India. And Rahul, interestingly drifts from the topic mooted and instead focus on something that he perceives to be the real threat to India. Lashkar-e-Tayeba, that has promised to bleed India for another thousand years is nowhere in picture. Nor the Maoists whom incidentally the PrimeMinister of India described as gravest threat. The Christian militia groups holding many north- east states to ransom also fail to prick Rahul’s conscience. For him, India, and probably the US should focus on Hindu terror groups rather than wasting time on petty issues like Indian Mujaheedin, LeT and. the ISI!!

By making this nonsensical remarks, Rahul Gandhi has done what other Congress leaders could only partially achieve in the past- he has diluted Indian government’s position against Pak sponsored terrorism in the country, thereby considerably weakening India’s declared war on terror. He has also tried to confuse Indian agencies working round the clock to thwart external and internal threats, leaving them wondering what the actual target is. But more importantly, Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi has actually humiliated the memories of thousands of martyrs who went down fighting terrorists during the last few decades in different parts of our country.

There will be many in this country who may try to dismiss or dilute Rahul’s remarks by pointing out his inexperience and lack of understanding of world affairs. Even BJP, in its initial reaction by Ravi Shankar Prasad, has said that it shows “how little has Rahul understood India”.

Though inadvertent, does Rahul deserve this kind of white washing? A look into the functioning of the Congress party since Sonia took over the reigns will show whatever that happens at the higher echelons of that party is no coincidence. It is all part of a well orchestrated drill to achieve the real goals, the Congress masters are aiming at. Even if the signals emanating from the top levels of the party may seem contradictory, it is not so, as we have seen in the infamous remarks of P Chidambaram in Parliament on Saffron Terror, and the party subsequently taking a different stance.

Hence Rahul’s remarks on Hindu terror groups must be seen in this light. It is not out of sheer inexperience or immaturity that Rahul Gandhi constantly engages himself in this shadow fighting. For some unknown and inexplicable reason, Rahul wants everyone, including the US, to focus on so called Saffron Terror. In this modern world of Cable gates, it won’t be long before we come to know about Rahul’s intention or at least US assessment on that. But we don’t have to wait to assess the consequence of this mockery of hard facts.

First of all, as rightly pointed out by many, it will give leverage to Pakistan and take them much ahead in the PR war that they have successfully fought with India in the past. Despite all the hardcore evidence pointing towards Pakistan, that country has always put India far behind in diplomatic ,behind the curtain, dramas enacted on world arena. This exercise has ensured that Pakistan is hailed as a ‘partner’ in the War on Terror rather than partner in the making of terror, which is more close to the truth.

Now with Rahulspeak, Pakistan’s stand will gain more credence. As security experts have pointed out in the past, India need to ensure by all means that the onus is on Pakistani establishment for their patronage of terror. Only such consistent pressure would yield desired results. But now that has been thwarted and Pak’s predicted stand would be “Don’t preach us, you have a bigger problem.”

The second direct impact will be at home, on Congress establishment. The Congress party enterprise has always nurtured courtesan politics and nomination culture, despite all tall claims to the contrary. Thus all important party positions as well as government posts are today occupied by ‘pygmies’ whose proximity to 10 Janpath alone been ‘their passport to glory’.

Following the Wikileaks, the cronies and attention mongers in the party, having understood what the crown prince wants, would predictably put even Digvijay Singh and P Chidambaram to shame. They will now talk more about ‘Saffron terror’ and less about national security concerns. Their intention could be plain – getting noticed by the high and mighty party bosses. But the consequence of this shift could be fatal for the nation. It will invariably help anti-national forces, both within and outside the country and even energize them to take on India with more vigor.

As pointed out earlier, this will also deflect the focus of Indian security establishment including the army and intelligence agencies. Till now, there was at least no confusion on what the real threat was, though perceptions deferred on how to face and tackle Islamic fundamentalist threat aimed at the disintegration of Indian nation.

With Rahul’s real concern now in the open, those engaged in the war on terror for the country, are now literally left in the lurch. If LeT is no real concern, what are they doing in the high ranges of Kashmir, in the treacherous terrains of western India and in the innumerable cities and metros where threat of a Mumbai model attack always looms large?

Another major impact of this episode is that it will send wrong signals to the friendly nations, including the US. To make it more clear, Rahul comments can also be construed as an open suggestion to foreign intelligence agencies, prominently the CIA, to form its futuristic agenda for India with so called Hindu terror groups in the centre stage, as against Islamic terror. The disastrous consequence of such a scenario is left to one’s imagination.

One thing is crystal clear. Rahul’s comments, as brought into open by Wikileaks, are in no way innocent or inadvertent observations emanating from thoughts of an immature politician. On the contrary, it is part of a larger ploy aimed at diluting our national conscience in general and our cultural pride in particular. A Plot within. On whose behalf? Only future hold the answers.

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