Doing Good:The Limits of Benevolance

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on December 28, 2008

Several concerned citizens have raised issues about our preoccupation with Hindutva and our commitment for exposing anti national forces in India and abroad. They are questioning our disinterest in not providing social services to poor and downtrodden Hindus. Of course social services to needy Hindus should be our priority. Who can disagree with benevolence? We also need to understand why Hindus still remain in poverty? For thousands of years, Islamic invaders and Christian colonialists have been looting our wealth, destroying our culture and mismanaging our economy. Since 1947, our bogus secular leaders continued anti national, pro-communist economic and social policies to keep people in perpetual poverty. Missionaries and Mullahs have exploited them, uprooted them from their culture and enslaved them with their anti Indian closed dogmas.  Social service is a bait and switch game, a lure to deceptively liberate poor from traditional culture and to enslave them. We are against their deceptive practices,  cultural deconstruction and political intervention under the guise of religious freedom and social services. . People like Biju Mathew, Arundhathi Roy, Romila Thaper, and Shabana Azmi are their hired agents to misdirect the public with disinformation and false information. We are against their games.

Why are we against coercive and deceptive religious conversion? Arnold Toynbee once said that when people are cut off from their culture and tradition, they become alienated and drift aimlessly without any creative thinking. Greek has produced great thinkers, poets, philosophers and mathematics like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras. Greece produced nothing once the country was forcefully converted into Christianity. The same goes with Egypt and persia. These lands of great civilization produced nothing once they were invaded and converted by Arab Muslims. India is facing the same dilemma. Kashmir was once a great center for poetry, culture, philosophy and science. Once Muslims have invaded Kashmir, there is nothing other than Jihadi terrorism in Kashmir. The same cultural destruction is happening in Kashmir, Kerala, the land of Sankaracharya, Tamil Nadu, Nagaland, and Manipur. How many philosophers, poets,artists, thinkers and literray leaders are from the converted Christians in India?
We need more than social service for the needy. Look, America spend more money for social services than any nation on earth. Did America reduce crime, violence, poverty, suicide, drug abuse, alcoholism, sex abuse? There is a limit of benevolence. What we need is self-esteem, national pride and cultural commitment. People with self esteem and cultural pride will come up with their own problem solving strategies and will survive as proud citizens. A case in point is Japan, a nation with no natural resources. But Japanese are very proud of their culture and Japan is a rich, powerful industrial giant.
What Hindus need is cultural proud, self esteem and a new Hindu vision. Remember:


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