Do we need this Crooked Parliament?

via K Vijayan published on November 24, 2011

Under UPA–1 American War Mongers and Multi National Terrorists purchased such of those MPees as were not already their slaves. This also ensured the “election” of UPA-2 by a conniving CEC and manipulated EVMs. More Loot of India has taken place during this UPA Era than in the last thousand years of invasion, occupation and misrule by Mohammedan and Christian – a Living Tradition continued now by our pampered, dominant and domineering  “minorities”.

“Cabinet Ministers” and Bureaucrats and entire Departments of the Government have been actively and openly involved in the Loot, and every session of Parliament (Upper and Lower Houses) has been either a Tamasha or literally empty house meetings where the few present sleep while a few buffoons spout inaniities, and Speakers Squeak (also literally).

Most days, whether the Parliament is in Session or not, the Prime Minister is out of the country on some international gustatory binge or other, during which he denigrates India and issues Sharamless Certificates of Immaculate Virginity to our deadliest enemies. Perhaps physically verifying and securing the assets built up by his Sick Patroness and her extended Mafia Family. The Great and Trusted Economist has his well-defined duties.

Not that he is any less at issuing Sharamless Certificates to the worst Accomplices to Treason and Corruption in his own “Cabinet”.

And we await the day when he will be forced to issue Certificates for his Italian Patroness (and 60% Non-Contractual-Beneficiary), her Imbecile Son, Virtuous Daughter and Instant Billionaire son-in-law, whose names have been sedulously kept out of the Shining Light by the Bought-up Opposition as well as Corrupt Alien-owned Media.

From months of Sleeping Paralysis the Houses (of Ill Repute) have suddenly become Mean Streets with elected men and women behaving like alley cats fighting over fish scraps around garbage cans. If it was good Old Madras we would have seen soda-water bottles also flying around, and are surprised that Balloos have not introduced this little bit of Tamil Culture, like they have introduced idli-sambar in Tihar.

Do we need this Parliament?

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