Do some soul-searching before criticising Hindu organizations

via Vijayalakshmi G published on March 25, 2010

In typical pseudo-secular defence of the indefensible Husain, Jug Suraiya tries his hand at giving excuses for the perversion of the painter, which can only be termed as  hypocrisy. An
impartial/dispassionate analysis of all the paintings of Husain will clearly establish the perversion of the painter  in caricaturing only Hindu deities in obscene postures. There can be no excuse for Husain to depict venerated Hindu deities in vulgar postures(and naming them!), as for example, his blasphemous depiction of Mother Sita sitting naked on the tail of Hanuman ji, who is the Ultimate Ram Bhakt and a celibate, who was blessed to be  a ‘chiranjeevi’.

It is the  christian ‘secular’ education in Hindu India, which has de-Hinduised the elite Hindu to the point of justifying every affront to the Hindu ethos and psyche. The motley crowd of  ‘intellectuals’ and elite ‘Hindus’, who take care not to criticise other communities, adopt a strident posture when it comes to criticising the normally tolerant Hindus. This only shows that they  are devoid of self-esteem and have no sense of equanimity. Jug is critical of Hindu organizations trying to unite Hindus and mobilize them. Anybody with common sense can understand why it has become a necessity to unify Hindus in these days of ‘minority’-centric politics of the UPA Govt. which is hand-in-glove with anti-Hindu forces to decimate Hindusism, Hindu icons and Hindu organizations. The constitution of India guarantees equal rights for all Indians, but in practice Hindus do not have the same religious rights as the muslims and christians.

There is a Ministry for Minority Affairs, the National Commission for Minorities etc., which seek  to arm-twist the Govt to treat muslims and christians as more equal than others in a predominantly Hindu state, thereby marginalising Hindus in their own land.  

A truly ‘secular’ Indian Govt should not divide people on the basis of their religion or caste. But here we have a Govt doing just that for votebank politics. No ‘intellectual or ‘elite’ Hindu questions the Govt for this divisive politics, which has alienated Hindus and polarised the society.

Journalists like Jug Suraiya are in their own ivory towers and seem far removed from reality. Most of the Media, pseudo-secular parties and NGOs are funded by foreign agencies  with vested interests to de-stabilise India. These traitors have sold their Conscience and that is why there is no such thing as patriotism and respect for the culture, heritage  and civilization of this sacred land.

In the light of the above facts, let Jug Suraiya and his ilk do some soul-searching before criticising Hindu organizations.

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