Disoriented rats leaving a sinking ship?

via K Vijayan published on June 2, 2010

We learn from the papers that some leading lights of Joya’s AIADMK are leaving her to join Papa Doc’s DMK. The ever-rising Son has claimed that the paappaathy’s camp will be empty soon.
Party-hopping is a full-time occupation in these Kazhagams, and keeping track of current affiliations is a job even Hollywood Paperazzi would find impossible.

Unless one owns a Party and has children, and even then there is the Islamic culture of fratricide to factor in.

A half-baked columnist (is there any other kind) told us that if only Joya prostrated herself publicly and begged forgiveness at the feet of the Kanchi Seer she would regain the good will of the Tamilian saamaaniyans (= aam aadmis).
Wishful thinking. The king-size kumkum-vibhoothi and sandal paste combination pottus which most kazhga-mites, christians, commies and other aam-aadmis sport conceals the unswerving loyalty of these Parties to anti-Hindu global commercial interests.

In the event the waters of T.Nod are so thick and murky with domestic and industrial effluents that no ship can sink unless blown up, and even then the debris will float around for ever. We read the other day that VIBGYOR radiations from ommunication Towers is disorienting honeybees. May be rats are disoriented too and move from ship to ship.

A plague upon them!

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