Digvijay Singh’s Crime

via Dr. Vijaya Rajiva published on July 30, 2011

In an interview with Karan Thapar (CNNIBN Devil’s Advocate.July 25,2011) Digvijay Singh revealed himself in ways that he had probably not anticipated . Karan Thapar quizzed him about his recent statements concerning the RSS (that it is a bomb factory etc.). The lengthy interview was well done with Thapar asking leading questions on the topic.Singh had no real difficulty in fielding the questions and seemed quite sure of himself. He appears to be a seasoned liar in regards to the RSS and Hindu nationalism which he correctly perceives to be inimical to his own and his patrone’s ambitions. However, the present writer noted two very important statements made by Digvijay Singh, where with all his assurance he did not foresee that he was tying himself and his patrone in knots :

1.When asked by Thapar about his controversial statements after the Mumbai blasts of 13/7 and his own party spokesman admonishing him about these remarks, Digvijay Singh replied : I take admonitions only from my Congress President.

2.Towards the end of the interview Thapar asked him in general terms whether the

Congress President had ever admonished him about his many controversial statements. Digvijay Singh replied : NO, except in one case where he had criticized Home Minister Chidambaram and for which he apologized later.

THESE TWO RESPONSES ARE REVEALING. They indicate that the public, frequent abusive references to the Hindu yoga guru Swami Ramdev that he had made, went by without any admonitions from his Congress President. Digvijay Singh had called Swami Ramdev a thug and a fraud not once but several times, with no evidence whatsoever and out of simple malice and because he Digvijay Singh was scouting for easy votes from the minority communities, in this case those in Uttar Pradesh. The assembly elections, as is well known, are coming up shortly. This is the man who publicly insulted Swami Ramdev, but called Osama bin Laden, Osamaji !

The present writer has already written about his crime of going along with the Congress President’s decision to attack Swami Ramdev and his followers on June 4 midnight on the Ramlila grounds (this was reported by the press immediately after the June 4 events). It follows that the Congess president who had never admonished him about his remarks concerning a Hindu guru, would also not hesitate to order an attack on Swami Ramdev. The Congress President being an Italian Catholic would be indifferent to Hindu sentiments, at best, and at worst , is in all probability, hostile to them.

It is no secret that the Catholic Pope who visited India proclaimed quite openly that in the first millennium it was Europe that was Christianised. In the second millennium it was the Americas. In the third millennium the target would be Asia, especially India.
An Italian Catholic would have no difficulties with this goal. Hence, it is not only Digvijay Singh’s remarks about the RSS or the BJP that are crucial. Both RSS and the BJP are important expression of political life on the Indian scene and while the liberal press may castigate them with the fashionable phrase ‘Hindu nationalism’ the real target is Hindu India. Hindus should be under no illusion about this.

Hinduism which has had a long civilisational history and looks good for several more millennia is the obstacle to the Christianisation of India. Unlike other parts of the world where the Christian West was able to exert its powerful domination and many native cultures and civilizations were destroyed in the wake of this drive, Hindu India has withstood all onslaughts. It is understandable that an Italian Catholic will have no qualms in engaging in whatever is necessary to defeat this entity. Only the benighted would be surprised by this.

But should Digvjay Singh, Congress General Secretary, have allowed himself to be complicit ( and possibly playing an active role also)in this infamous attack on a Hindu sannyasin? Judging from his hostility towards Swami Ramdev and his ignominous seeking of votes at any cost, the likelihood is an active involvement . He was building up to an incitement to violence against a Hindu sannyasin.

That is Digvijay Singh’s heinous act ,his possible involvement in the events leading to the infamous night .This heinous act is his REAL CRIME (if the reports are true) and not his loud mouthed comments on the Sangh Parivar, vindictive though they may be, and which the Indian public openly notes are his pathetic attempts to woo the minority vote. This is the crime that he should be called for, the incitement to violence towards a Hindu sannyasin.

( The writer is a Political Philosopher who taught at a Canadian university)

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