Digvijay Singh : The Ignoble Rajput

via Dr. Vijaya Rajiva published on June 17, 2011

The once glorious Indian National Congress, and the once glorious Rajputs, are both at the lowest ebb of their respective traditions as seen in two members of the Congress Party. The choice of Sonia Gandhi as President of the Party was a hapless one. The present writer has written about her unsuitability for Indian conditions. Unlike the intrepid freedom fighter for Indian independence, the Irish stalwart Annie Besant, who had immersed herself in Hindu India’s traditions, Sonia continued to nurture her monotheistic superstitions, thanks to the fact that her general education was non existent.It is not certain whether she has even a high school degree, or that she even took the diploma from the foreign language school in Cambridge town where the good nuns from Italy had sent her hoping that she would become an au pair girl or a domestic. Nor did she make an effort to study Indian history and Bharat’s culture and civilization. She locked herself into a solitude, surrounded by dubious characters. This was not her choice one hopes and her subsequent incursions into the murky side of a corrupt Congress led her down the unavoidable slippery slope. And as some commentators have observed, her mask has finally fallen, with the vicious attack on a Hindu Yoga guru and his peaceful followers on the night of June 4. That event is indeed the turning point. Hindu India will never forgive her , nor should they ever forget. Since she has kept her Italian passport( as alleged) then one can only pray that she does not return from her recent trip to Switzerland. India does not need anymore mafia donnas !

Digvijay Singh offers a marked contrast. One could depict him as a clown, except the seriousness of his slippery slope is also an insult to the Rajput tradition of loyalty to their country and heroic history. One does not even dare to mention the sacred name of a Rana Pratap, in this context of a Rajput gone bad. Unlike Sonia he had a heroic tradition to look up to and live by. What actually happened is a different story altogether.

Congress’s attack dog is hiding behind the strength of his master/mistress’s temporary popularity. As her fortunes ebb, the rats will leave the sinking ship.No doubt he will be the first. Till then he has some time and he is making the most of it. One has to only look at the sorry spectacle of a Rajput demeaning a Hindu Yoga guru, while simultaneously speaking of Bin Laden as Bin Ladenji. It is also reported by one perceptive journalist that it was Chidambaram and the exRajput who stood behind Sonia’s decision to attack Baba Ramdev.

The names this pitiful individual reserved for the Hindu Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev were ‘thug’ and ‘fraud’.

Under Sonia Gandhi’s 12 year reign of terror for the Hindus of India, this is possibly only one more example of anything goes. As long as it is someone from the majority community everything is fair game. But he is also playing a double game. During the satyagraha of the Yoga Guru in the first week of June, Digvijay Singh tried to fool the Hindu masses by using the phrase ‘ Hamare Sanatana Dharma’ (Our Sanatana Dharma).Who is he fooling. ? He is listed in the Wikipedia biography as Christian. He is a convert, presumably.

Now, there are thousands of Indian Christians who have stayed loyal to Bharat. They merely changed their religion, but their ancestral memories (unlike Sonia’s) are of Bharat. And by and large they have remained respectful and even appreciative of their Hindu ancestry, except when misled by missionary propaganda. Digvijay is also in addition an anomaly as a Rajput ( he is listed as a Rajput in the biographical entry).

Hindu India must continue to challenge this fraud. He is seeking the Muslim vote in Uttar Pradesh. Hence his visits to the area soon after 26/11. Here he is also in sync with his protégé, Rahul Gandhi, who we are told was partying all night at a friend’s wedding on the night of 26/11. The mother son duo and their faithful lackey have no interest in Bharat.

No self respecting Rajput would have called a Hindu Guru, a thug ! Only a depraved fallen Rajput obeying the whims of his mistress would do that.

(The writer is a Political Philosopher who taught at a Canadian university)

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