Did Sonia and Rahul Gandhi sweat it out?

via Dr Mrs Hilda Raja published on August 8, 2015

The Desperate Congress

Lies and more lies the Congress is reeling out in the hope that it can topple the Modi government. The Congress cannot tolerate anyone other than the Congress puppets to hold power in the government. Look at its arrogance. It cannot countenance the simple fact that Modi is popular and for a mere one year record has done remarkably well. What was the score card of Manmohan Singh in the last ten years? How can Sonia call Modi arrogant when the Congress under her is not only arrogant but defiant and thinks that it can hold the government to ransom and get away with it. The falsehoods that the Congress sycophants utter is simply shocking to say the least. If Rahul Gandhi has proof that Sushma Swaraj had taken money from Lalit Modi to keep him out of jail then he should present the proof and give more facts. The Congress was and is the most corrupt party in the country. It was steeped in corruption and now it wants just to blame Modi’s government hoping that people will forget what it was and is for the past 50 years.

According to Manish Tiwari Modi can’t act against ministers due to his own background and he continues to assert that during Modi’s rule in Gujarat the biggest killings since 1947 happened. Manish Tiwari must be talking through his hat-he forgets that after the assassination of Indira Gandhi the pogrom that the Congress unleashed against the Sikhs has no parallel in Indian history. The worse part of it is that Rajiv Gandhi justified it. So who is the Congress to throw stones at the BJP and Modi while it sits in the glass house ‘.He who has not sinned let him throw the first stone’

The Congress is synonymous with corruption-.arrogance-and disruptive tactics if it is not in power. This clearly shows that it does not believe in democracy and the people’s mandate. If it cannot be in power then it will not let others be in power. Does it think that India is written off and handed over to the Nehru-Gandhi family? Its dynastic politics clearly betrays its arrogance and its craze for power. Who is Sonia Gandhi to dictate to this nation and think that only she and her son can wield power? It is a shame and a disgrace that the Congress which was in power for more than 50 years has papauerized the people-had no development on its agenda except to aggrandize itself and its coterie. Now when the BJP appoints its men and women in power positions it cries its self hoarse. Look at the number of Trusts which Sonia Gandhi heads. From a modest ancestry house in Italy , today she owns a mansion there. From where did all the money come? Did she and Rahul Gandhi sweat it out? What assets did she and her family have when she came to India in the 60s? So Rahul Gandhi must be more circumspect when he blames others of taking money. Perhaps Ahmed Patel will be able to provide the country of the amounts that have been siphoned off and how it has been stashed and who are the benamis to that ill gotten money.

The early invaders of India fleeced India now we have a brand new gang of fleeciers with political immunity – fleecing the poor and like leeches sucking the blood of the Indian polity. And all the time the Congress sheds crocodile tears for the poor. The Congress will keep the poor and make them poorer only then it will be able to grab power at the cost of false promises and crocodile tears. Hence we have Rahul Gandhi perpetually proclaiming that he stands with the poor. If so what did his party do for the poor-kept them in poverty? That is the only thing the Congress can claim on its score card. Shame on the Congress

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