Detect, delete and deport Bangladeshi infiltrators — ABVP

via Press Release published on August 29, 2008



We on the part of our organization, would; like to clarify some of the misunderstandings that might have crept in some of the young “innocent minds”. An anonymous leaflet (in violation of the JNU tradition of issuing signed pamphlet), issued in the name of Bangladeshi students of JNU, blamed us for spreading hatred which is totally baseless and malicious. It is wrong to assume that we are indulging in spreading hatred against Bangladesh as a nation. As a responsible student organization we understand the autonomy and sovereignty of Bangladesh but this plea should not be an excuse for unleashing atrocities against the minorities of Bangladesh neither should explain their penchant of organized infiltrations in India. Today, Bangladeshi students in JNU need to seriously engage themselves in introspection before raising a finger at ABVP. Through our week long campaign, we raised the most sensitive internal security threat to India i.e. illegal infiltration taking place from Bangladesh through various channels. We have no hesitation in saying that we take it as our duty and responsibility to inform as many citizens as may be possible using our limited resources.

            We also consider Bangladesh as a “friend” of India and for that we appreciate the need for emergence of a strong voice of common people of Bangladesh so that justice is done to the minorities of Bangladesh and organized infiltration along with the activities of terrorist outfits like HuJi is stopped…..but we are not sure whether such a voice is already in existence or it has to come out yet. We doubt such existence because in near past we have not heard any such voice from this section, when it was expected most. Be it the case of killings of Hindu-Buddhist minorities, atrocities against them, desecration of temples, forcible seizure of the property of Hindus and Buddhists, rape and arson etc. Taslima Nasreen who tried to raise some of these questions was compelled to leave Bangladesh with no one coming out to support her there.

There are some cold facts which cannot be denied by anyone, even by the most self proclaimed secularists, the communists. The Bangladeshi students should first explain the following phenomena in Bangladesh:


At the time of independence the Hindus formed 30% of Bangladesh population and by 1974 their proportion fell to 16%, but now Hindus constituted less than 8% of the population of Bangladesh. What happened to those Hindus? How they were systematically butchered, converted and expelled out of Bangladesh?


The 1972 Constitution of Bangladesh was based on the three pillars of Democracy, Secularism and Socialism. But after the coup in 1975, Gen. Zia-ur-Rahman scrapped secularism and incoporated the Islamic ideal of “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” in the Constitution. How do Bangladeshi students propose to react on making Bangladesh a Islamic state?


Due to growth of Islamic fundamentalism there was a sharp upswing in atrocities against the Hindus. What steps the Bangladeshi government took to safeguard the rights and interests of the minorities?


In 1985 Gen. HM Ershad came to power and through 8th amendment he made Islam the state religion of Bangladesh. Atrocities on Hindus and other minorities continued unabated. Do the Bangladeshi students agree that making Bangladesh an Islamic state was against the ethos of the Bangladeshi liberation movement?


After Khaleda Zia came to power, the atrocities increased manifold. Three hundred and twenty nine (329) women aged between 8 years to 65 years were raped/gang raped. Meanwhile forcible conversions continued. More than 60,000 incidents of atrocities against Hindus and other minorities were reported in the newspapers in one single year.


 Recent publication of incidents in August 2007, itself show 78 incidents of torture, temple demolitions and intimidation. The matter was taken to the Supreme Court, but the court did not proceed in the matter. What kind of legal system is prevalent in Bangladesh?


During 1965 war, the Pakistani dictator, Gen. Ayub Khan, had enacted Enemies Property Act which led to large scale confiscation of properties of Hindus. That law is still in existence and it is totally a discriminatory legislation. After it was challenged in the Supreme Court, it was renamed, “Vested Property Act”. Under this law the government of Bangladesh had confiscated nearly 64,000 acres of land of Hindus. Simultaneously forcible conversions were going on unabated. Would the Bangladeshi students support the movement for quashing this discriminatory law?


Temples were being demolished on one pretext or another. The famous Bhabani Temple was partially demolished with the help of the army by the Deputy Commissioner of Khulna district.  When Hindus tried to argue before the Deputy Commissioner the illegality of demolition on the basis of a court order, the former threatened him and issued an arrest warrant against him. How the Bangladeshi students propose to protect the Hindu-Buddhist temples in Bangladesh?


Mr. Rabindra Ghosh, President, Human Rights Commission for Bangladeshi Minorities (HRCBM), Dhaka, Bangladesh highlighted the fact that HRCBM had no permission even bring out a journal. What kind of democracy the Bangladeshi people have offered to its minorities?


Lately, in the face of mounting atrocities against the Hindu-Buddhist minorities in Bangladesh, the HRCBM had been given consultative status in UN. An exhibition recently organized in the USA to highlight atrocities on Hindus and other minorities in Bangladeh by HRCBM had attracted the attention of the international community who have threatened to stop aid to Bangladesh.

            No doubt region had an old legacy of secular, non-communal philosophy of life….but again we are not sure what happened to the same??? Perhaps it has been mummified in earth along with Bang Bandhu Sheikh Mujirbur Rahman.

            As far as Hindu population of Bangladesh is concerned the figures quoted are much older. Official census of Bangladesh is 7 years old and seven years are very long to alter the census figures. However we would love to hear the various reasons from the Bangladeshi students of JNU and the communists that have caused gradual decline in Hindu population since 1947.

            We never intend to hurt the feelings of the Bangladeshi students but facts are facts. They should understand the difference between migration, infiltration and visiting a country as student or tourist on Visa. Infiltration and immigration are a constant threat to internal security and stability of a polity. We seek your constructive support in our movement. We are not standing against any individual….we are against a phenomenon called infiltration and atrocities against the Hindu-Buddhist minorities in Bangladesh.

Finally, following ancient principle of Atithi Devo Bhav, we wish you a happy and warm stay in our beloved motherland. We appeal to all the democratic and nationalist minded Indians to rally behind ABVP so as to create a situation by mounting pressure on the Indian Government to implement 3D policy (Detect, Delete and Deport) against the Bangladeshi infiltrators.

Vandemataram! Bharat Mata Ki Jai!!

Sd/- Debendra Sahu, President, ABVP, JNU.                                                      Sd/-Diwakar Mani, Secretary, ABVP, JNU.

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