Democracy of opportunity

via Dr.A.M.C.Menon published on May 4, 2009

We have two types of democracy available and applicable at present and we have to choose the one more apposite for this country. Secular democracy is mainly intended for the influential with less knowledge and more ambitious of amassing anything available on the way up where as revolutionary democracy is appropriate for those who are ambiguous of the way ahead but determined to find their target without the definite effort and attempt.

Both these democrats do not like the religion of the majority since it is detrimental to the desired development of the country as it advances towards the magnificent socialism. Both of them are indeed, committed to uplift the minority religions by seductive socialistic reforms exclusively suitable to them as communalism will not affect the religious feelings of the followers.

But one great thing about these democrats is to conceive and perceive the feelings of the mankind all over the world, well propagated by the Vedas of this country as “Loka Samastho Sughino Bhavanthu” though at present, only two countries, namely America and China , represent the world.

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