Deliberate Media And Government Attack On Swami Nityanada and Sanatana Dharma

via V Sundaram published on March 11, 2010

We in India seem to be using our increasing wealth, our expanding literacy, our growing technology and our accelerated march towards greater and greater development, in such a manner as to create the thicket of absurd illusion and unreality which stands between us and the facts of life. We want and we believe these illusions because we suffer from extravagant expectations. Our expectations are extravagant in the precise dictionary sense of the word—“going beyond the limits of reason or moderation” they are excessive. Certain socio-economic and political forces have colluded together to give us this unprecedented opportunity to deceive ourselves and to befog our experience. We expect anything and everything. We expect the contradictory and the impossible. By harbouring, nourishing and ever enlarging our extravagant expectations, we create the demand for the illusions with which we deceive ourselves. And which we pay others to make to deceive us. This is precisely what is happening in the sordid world of anti-national and anti-social mass media—-both print and electronic—in India today.

This is more so in Tamil Nadu where a few scurrilous newspapers and TV Channels, deriving their inspiration and working philosophy from what I call the dastardly Dravidian Drivel, seem to be working on a 24×7 basis for the creation of false illusions about men and events. They are essentially anti-Hindu, pan-Islamic, pan–Christian in their general outlook. Our every effort to satisfy our extravagant expectations simply makes them more extravagant and makes our illusions commercially more attractive to these vermin in the media. For these pseudo-secular, Islam-embracing, Christianity coveting and Hindu-hating non-men in the mafia of mass media in India—both print and electronic– the creation of more and more false illusions about Hindu Swamijis, Saints And Sages—the broadcast of “the false news behind the false news”—seems to have become the life-breath of their whole time commercial operations.

IN MY VIEW SWAMI PARAMAHAMSA NITYANANDA HAS BECOME THE UNFORTUNATE VICTIM OF THIS KIND OF SCURRILOUS AND DELIBERATELY ANTI-HINDU REPORTING BY THE PSEUDO-SECULAR MAFIA OF MASS MEDIA IN TAMIL NADU. This is the only objective inference that I can draw after seeing the 2 sessions of long interviews of Swami Paramahamsa Nityananda conducted yesterday by Shri Rajiv Malhotra, Founder Chairman of Infinity Foundation in Princeton USA. Anyone can see that the mass media in Tamil Nadu in general and Sun TV and Dinakaran Tamil Daily in particular seem to have usurped the power of both the legal and moral policing of Hindu Swamijis in Tamil Nadu with the tacit prior understanding and informal approval of the Government of Tamil Nadu. All the Hindus of India know that the DMK Government is essentially an anti-Hindu, pro-Christian and pro-Islamic Government. The Chief Minister Dr. Kalaignar Karunanidhi has total contempt for Hindu Gods and Goddesses in general and Lord Rama in particular.

Present Union Minister S.M KRISHNA with Swami Nityananda

Dr Abdul Kalam with Swami Nityananda

Dr. Kalignar Karunanidhi took special pride in asking this question with dictatorial authority: ‘Where did Mr. Rama (of Ayodhya fame) get his engineering degree from?’ Dr Karunanidhi and his DMK Party derive their political and religious philosophy from the Perversity of Periyarana about which I had written an article in a newspaper in 1993. His mighty intellect of global significance can be seen from the following extract from my own article of 1993 :
“A detailed study of Karl Marx is called Marxiana. A detailed study of Mahatma Gandhi is called Gandhiana. A detailed study of Churchill is called Churchilliana. A detailed study of Periyar is called Periyarana. I have read all the writings of that great intellectual giant Periyar, called the Socrates of Tamil Nadu or Bernard Shaw of Europe. Personally I have received great inspiration, illumination and rational instruction from his mighty intellectual outpourings. l am giving you some flashes of time-defying wisdom and original genius from the Intellectual Armoury of ‘Periyarana’.

“1. ‘Tamil is a barbarous language and Tamilians are barbarians’
“2. ’15 August 1947 is not the day of our freedom. It is a day of mourning and sorrow’”
“3. ‘I want to be surrounded by fifty bloody fools, so that I am heard without any undue disturbance at all my public meetings’
“4. ‘Parimelazhagar who wrote the commentary on Thirukural was a ‘Parppanar’ (Periyar was always more interested in Dravidian substance than in Aryan shadow!).’”
“5. ‘Whoever worships a Hindu God is a bloody fool.’” (‘Vadi-Kattina-Muttal’ in Tamil)

Seeing the manner in which the mafia of anti-Hindu mass media in Tamil Nadu have attempted to malign a Hindu Swami like Swami Nityananda having innumerable disciples in India and abroad, with evangelical and Islamic fervour, I cannot help observing that the real motive power for this kind of savage operation stems from what I call the rational-racial anti-Hindu Dravidianism. About 15 years ago I wrote a poem on this Grand Theme. It was my first attempt to decode and decipher the standard Dravidian drivel. I  would allow the poem to speak for itself:

The quintessence of rational-racial anti-Hindu Dravidianism?

It is multi-dimensional!  
Hindu spiritual knowledge is superstitious
And secular ignorance is rational;
Character is superstitious
And debauchery is rational;
Chastity is superstitious
And prostitution of mind, body, heart and soul is rational;
Discipline is superstitious
And indiscipline is rational;
Accepted global truth is superstitious
And dastardly Dravidian untruth is rational;
Refinement is superstitious
And brutality is rational;
Justice is superstitious
And rapacious injustice is rational;
Counsels of the wise and the good are superstitious
And the flattery of knaves is particularly rational.
A legally wedded wife is superstitious and irrational
Innumerable concubines are powerfully and symbolically rational!!

One can go on like this in this vein endlessly in a superstitious and irrational manner because the turgid stream of Dravidian perversity and unabashed bestiality is indeed perpetual and even perennial. It may not be too much to say that all the leading actors in the highly exciting and even titillating Dravidian Drama have succeeded condomizing everything excepting the condom itself in the name of rationalism and social justice.

I share the view of many Hindu activists in India and abroad that the anti-Hindu pan-Islamic and evangelical Government of India and the State Government of Tamil Nadu are very friendly towards those foreign Christian forces in America and Europe who are determined to destroy Sanatana Dharma in order to “harvest souls” for Christ in eternal perpetuity India. Swami Nithyananda has become the latest victim of Christian/Dravidian anti-guru demonology! This becomes very clear from the message forwarded to me by Shri Rajiv Malhotra  


This is the message:


Swami Nithyananda was critical of Dravidian politics and Christian conversions, so he is paying the price. He is from a lower caste community and very effective in stopping Christian conversions in rural Tamil Nadu.  So the Dravidian supremo Karunanidhi and the Church targeted him. This was an orchestrated attack at multiple locations simultaneously, some attacks starting even before the TV video was played. Clearly it was coordinated. This plight faces every Hindu guru.  Its nothing new for the church which has a 2000 history of such mafia tactics to destroy pagan opponents. It is due to this fear that most gurus today dilute Hinduism and make it look like pseudo-Christianity. Message is that gurus with authenticity combined with audacity are going to get attacked this way. Hindus, beware. I am seeing a lot of attacks, stings and media operations against Hindu saints and temples all over India, not to mention assasinations, like that of the Hindu saint in Orissa. Remember Christian NDTV’s campaign against Sabrimala temple some time ago? Something stinks. The church is involved. Hindus should remember that the Church operates in India through two parties: Congress and DMK. Shun these two parties like plague.”

Swami Jyothirmayananda has forwarded to me the following message he has received from Deepak Kamat. ( The message is titled: ‘WHO FRAMED NITYANANDA IN THE STING OPERATIONS?’

“Knowing Hindus for what they are, evangelists and their mercenaries/hirelings are able to demonize Hindus with impunity, with ‘official’ support. Poojya Kanchi Acharya, Chathurveda Swami, Sabarimala Thanthri, and several priests and so-called god-men have been maligned by pre-planned, well-executed conspiracies by evangelists, whose aim is well-known to all of us. And the conspirators have not been exposed. They are targeting Swamis who have become popular. Every religious leader of the Hindus and their Ashrams/temples are on their ‘hit list’. So all religious leaders and Ashramites have to be vigilant. In these days of advanced technology in computer graphics, anything is possible. According to Sun News, those who attacked Swami Nityananda’s ashrams included Viduthalai Chiruthaikal (Thirumavalavan’s party- this man was conferred ’doctorate of divinity’ by the Church), Periyar’s DK and ‘local’ people (obviously owing allegiance to the DMK).”

All the devotees of Swami Nityananda and all the enlightened citizens of India would like to pose the following questions to the mass media — both print and electronic — in general and Sun TV and Dinakaran Tamil Newspaper in particular:

A. Have you verified the facts relating to the video broadcast by you on your TV channel?
B. Are you aware of the fact that the lands on which Swami Nityananda’s ashram is located in Bangalore were in fact donated by a well known philanthropical family in Bangalore?
C. Have you physically verified the land documents relating to this land and the other lands owned by the Hindu religious order to which Swami Nityananda belongs?

There seems to be an organized conspiracy of cold silence by the mass media in respect of the above questions.

Deepak Kamat in his website has brought the following facts to the notice of the larger gullible public. These are his words:

“So it is now confirmed the Nithyananda video aired by SUN TV is morphed and was intended to defame Hindus.

One Perumananda alias Lenin Karupannan joined Nithyananda’s ashram for “peace” but later started creating all kinds of nuisances on the ashram premises and caused hardship to the inmates. He wanted to destroy religious sentiments and made false propaganda and defamatory statements against the swamy and the ashram.

Karupannan was very conversant with morphing of the images with the help of information technology. He had also demonstrated his skills in morphing images and bodies, to the other inmates. Subsequently, Karupannan was “degraded”. And an enraged Karupannan started blackmailing the Swamy by stating that he was in possession of morphed videos of other inmates and would expose them. The video clipping presently on air was also part of the morphed productions of Karupannan.

“Prior enmity” is the motive behind the airing of the clippings by a Tamil TV channel.
Nithyananda had rejected Sun TV’s invitation to conduct a discourse on the channel as well as write for Kungumam, a magazine published by the group. Besides, he had also refused to deliver special discourses during Deepavali. “Keeping this in mind, the channel is trying to malign the image of Swami Nithyananda among his followers and spread false propaganda about him,”

The room shown in the video does not exist inside the ashram, and the images of the Swami had been morphed using high technology by a “group”. “The man shown in the video is not Swami Nithyananda.”

The channel had blurred out actress Ranjita’s face on March 2 and revealed it the next day only after a Tamil magazine published the pictures. The actress was threatened by Sun TV. The TV channel had not bothered to crosscheck the authenticity of the video CD with the ashram and aired the clippings in haste.

The entire exercise is a “big conspiracy” to defame the Swami and aimed at increasing the TRP ratings of the TV channel. There are 300 inmates in the ashram. “So far, not a single woman has filed any complaint against the swami,”
Swami Nityananda would present himself before the newsmen in the future and answer all questions. His ashram is working on a legal course of action on the issue.”

When I see the orchestrated attack on Swami Nityananda and his ashram carried out by the mass media, I cannot help stating that our print and electronic media are capable of colluding together to manufacture salacious “pseudo-events”. The common prefix “pseudo” comes from the Greek word meaning false or intended to deceive. The case manufactured by Swami Nityananda by the mass media in subterranean collusion with many national and international anti-Hindu forces of Christianity, should be categorized and castigated as a “pseudo-event”.

The successful reporter is one who can find a story, even if there is no earthquake or assassination or civil war. If he cannot find a story, then he must make (manufacture!) one – by the questions he asks of public or Hindu religious figures, by the surprising human interest he unfolds from some commonplace event, or by “the news behind the news”. If all this fails, then he must give a “think piece” — an embroidering of well-known facts, or a speculation about startling things to come. Though the news they make happen, the events they create, are somehow not quite real. There remains a tantalizing difference between man-made and God-made events.

A “pseudo-event” then, is a happening that possesses the following characteristics:

1. It is not spontaneous, but comes about because someone has planned, planted or incited it. The case against Swami Nityananda has to be dismissed from our minds as a “pseudo-event”.
Within minutes of broadcasting by Sun TV of an alleged video clipping of the Swami organised goon squads started attacking the ashram and terrorizing the Hindu devotees. In the meantime, the Media had already gone to town condemning the Swami, thoroughly trashing his reputation and filling up newspapers with columns after columns of libellous conjectures. Almost immediately, a Pakistani News Site NewsGone and a Leftist US based site Huffingtonpost and of course BBC carry a scandal with a substantial editorial twist.
But the headline of most news media was ‘Fraud Godman Nityananda in … scandal’. The trial by media concluded before any verification, that the Swami is fraud.
Then the anti-Hindu media started floating headlines such as ‘The Goodman’s admirers include Gujarat CM Modi and Karnataka CM Yeddyurappa’. These two are popular Hindu politicians and our known criminals in the media with the full backing of the anti-Hindu “Secular” State are trying to somehow connect them to the media-condemned Swami Nityananda while conveniently trying to hide the fact that former Congress Chief Minister and current Union Cabinet Minister SM Krishna and former president Abdul Kalam are among his admirers.

2. A “pseudo-event” is planted primarily (not always exclusively) for the immediate purpose of being reported or reproduced on a war-footing. Therefore, ITS OCCURRENCE IS ARRANGED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE REPORTING OR REPRODUCING MAFIA IN THE MEDIA. ITS SUCCESS IS MEASURED BY HOW WIDELY IT IS REPORTED. The question, “is it real?” is less important than “is it newsworthy?.”

3. A “pseudo-event’s” relation to the underlying reality of the situation is ambiguous. Its universal interest arises largely from this very ambiguity. Concerning a “pseudo-event”, the question “What does it mean?” has a new dimension. A “pseudo-event” will always raise questions of this kind: “What happened?”; “What were the real consequences?”; “What were the motives?” and “Did the statement really mean what it said?”. Without some sort of this kind of ambiguity a “pseudo-event” can never be exciting or interesting. Here I am referring to this kind of public response: “Can there be smoke without a fire?”

4. Usually a “pseudo-event” is intended to be a self-fulfilling prophesy. The Judge is the accuser; though the Judge is pointing his finger to another accused (who in fact is totally innocent!) he is in fact the real accused. Finally, the Judge himself completes the planned criminal circle by giving a verdict against the chosen “another accused” (who in fact is innocent!).

5. “Pseudo-events” are more dramatic. Participants are selected for their newsworthy and dramatic interests.

6. “Pseudo-events” can be repeated at will and thus their public impression can be reinforced.

7.  Knowledge of “pseudo-events” — of what has been reported, or what has been staged and how — becomes the test of being “informed”.

8. Finally, “pseudo-events” spawn other “pseudo-events” in geometric progression. They dominate our consciousness simply because there are more of them and the real un-manufactured events get masked or obliterated from public memory.

THE GREAT N.D TIWARI’S NAKED ROMP WITH TWO WOMEN IN THE ANDHRA PRADESH RAJ BHAVAN GOT MUCH LESS COVERAGE IN OUR PRINT AND ELECTRONIC ANTI-HINDU MASS MEDIA. The naked truth about the mafia of mass media in India is that they are not concerned at all about the naked truth of any urgent or pressing public issue! Omalur Christian priests got away with sexually abusing and murdering 15 or more girls without much fanfare.

However an obviously faked and digitally morphed film with an actor impersonating as Swami Nityananda has become judicially admissible evidence for our mafia of mass media in India.

In this context, we are reminded of Jayalalitha’s war against the Kanchi Matam, where
the entire machinery of State was misused to frame the Seer Swami Jayendra Saraswati.
The State Machinery has not come into play against Swami Nithyananda yet, but the Media Machine owned and operated by the family of the present CM is just as near “Government-sponsored” as you can get.

The current move for forging unity among the hundreds of Swamis, Pontiffs, Sannidhanams, Peetams, Ashrams and the Exhibitions and conferences organised by them  to showcase the charitable, educational and social-service activities hitherto carried out silently by them all over India, and more particularly in Tamil Nadu is what seems to have set the Alien-owned cat among the Hindu pigeons. The charitable and social work of Hindu Organisations far exceeds the well-publicised (and well-compensated) work by Christian, Islamic or Atheist-family-owned Organisations. Off Shore Money and the Off Shore Commercial Religions are certainly behind this move.

To conclude, a criminal media-cum-political blame-game has been played in a deliberate manner to malign Swami Nityananda and his ashram.

I fully endorse the statement of a fearless freelance journalist Shri K. Vijayan:

“Are we living in a Democracy or a Blackshirt Blackguards’ State?
(The Fascist cadres of Italy, and Hitlers Nazis wore Black Shirts and uniforms. Our Kazhagams were founded and organised on the same pattern.)

After this latest State-sponsored “Trial by Media” outrage against Swami Nithyananda, no one, including brain-dead, brain-washed coolie-padais of the various Kazhagams and caste outfits in Tamil Nadu will be under the illusion that we are ruled by a democratic, liberal, progressive, or even “Tamil” Government of Thamizhars.

What we have is a decaying, decrepit Tyrant and his rampaging Dynasty running Murder, Mayhem, Extortion and Blackmail Rackets, and waging a War against Hindus funded by Christian and Muhammedan Forces on the side.

If it were only a question of being ruled by a gang of criminals, thieves and extortionists we could have gone along with it. After all most of India was de-facto ruled by murdering, looting, uncultured barbaric Muhammedan and Christian Savages for a thousand years, and still we managed to maintain our Hindu Religion and Culture.

The instances of scurrilous attacks and outrages against Hindu Temples, Ashrams, Seers, Gurus and their Charitable and Social Work Organisations taking place today are too numerous to list out.

On the other hand the extreme partiality and favours bestowed on Christian, Muhammedan and “atheistic” organizations, apart from never taking cognizance of their serious crimes like rape, murder, land-grab, denigration of Hindu Religious places and beliefs, and forcible conversions, seldom find any place in the Media, let alone State-organised Slander Campaigns.

The Shining example is the cover-up in the Omalur Schoolgirls rape and murder series, where the sinning Minority Priests were rewarded a crore of rupees by the State. Christians call this kind of Commerce “Absolution”.

(The Blackguards of Europe attacked Jews and eliminated them, though they were also Citizens of their countries. The Blackguards here are eliminating Hindus, who are not only citizens of this country but also form the unfortunate majority.)

What is good journalism — both print and electronic — about? On a working, finite level it is the effort to achieve illuminating candour in print and to strip away cant. In short, it is the pursuit of and the effort to state the Truth. The pursuit of the Truth and the articulation of it is the most delicate, hazardous, exacting and inexact of tasks. Consequently, no audience is more forgiving (I hope!) to the speaker who fails or stumbles in his own pursuit of it, the only failure that audience will never excuse in any speaker would be his failure even to try to tell the Truth, as he sees it, about his subject.

The double charge that I want to bring against the mafia of mass media in India can thus be stated:
“Firstly, its failure to inform the public better than it does is the evasion of its public responsibility.
Secondly, its failure to educate and elevate the public taste rather than following that taste like a blind, wallowing dinosaur is an abuse of its freedom.”

Though I have not had the good fortune of meeting Swami Nityananda, yet I am quite moved and impressed by their Mission Statement which runs as follows:

The Nithyananda Mission is part of a world-wide movement for meditation and peace. The goal of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s advent on planet earth is to spread the inner science of enlightenment by delivering physical health, mental wellness and spiritual awakening to all beings irrespective of their race, gender or nationality. To achieve this, Nithyananda Mission aims to initiate 100 million persons into the unique meditation Nithya Dhyaan and one hundred thousand persons to ‘living enlightenment’.

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