Defiant Hindu resistance stops cow-slaughter

via Hindu Samhati published on January 7, 2011

At Choto Mohora in Amta

Choto Mohora village of PS: Amta, Dist: Howrah in the Indian state of West Bengal an entirely Hindu-based village. Only a few Muslim families (numbering 12-15) do inhabit here. The other villages in the neighborhood are also dominated by Hindus and it may be an arduous job for any to find out a Muslim household. Naturally, the notion of cow-slaughter to mark any Muslim festival (or Bakr-id in particular) was quite unknown to the populace of this area.

However, taking advantage of this ignorance, the Bakr-id here of last year witnessed Muslims to slaughter 5-6 cows successfully. This led to a strong resentment among the Hindus; they agitated powerfully. The police and administration intervened later to secure the Muslims. Hindus were assured that there would not be repetition of the same anymore and they depended on the same.

But the reverse to the same took place this year. And it was realized first when Hindus perceived 20-25 cows were brought to slaughter. A few valiant Hindus of the village namely Samir Mondal, Niranjan Mondal and Rabin Karar contacted workers of Hindu Samhati and thanks to their assistance, they could get hold of Officer-in-Charge of PS: Amta, BDO (Block Development Officer) & DM (District Magistrate) of Dist: Howrah. A mass petition signed by more than 550 people, irrespective of political affiliations, was submitted to the aforementioned venerated government officials. The copy of latest ruling of Hon’ble Calcutta High Court proclaiming official termination of cow slaughter was also annexed to the petition.

But Muslims refused to give up. They were found to exert pressure on BDO and Officer-in-Charge of PS: Amta to enable them to slaughter cows. In this case they were actively supported by Muslims of far-off villages like Deur, Chandarpur and Kansra along with MP (Member of Parliament), Sultan Ahmed and the Imam of Masjid of Tipu Sultan.

Finding no other way the two officials left no stone unturned to convince Hindus so that they gave in to the demands of Muslims. But Hindus proved to be too defiant for the rivals and they organized 5-6 adjoining villages to strengthen the agitation (simultaneously). The event was too hard for the administration to stamp down and it surrendered before the Hindus in the end. A huge police force was also required on that day to bring the situation under control. DM and SDO were also present during the day of agitation.

The whole agitation was led by Niranjan Mondal of Choto Mohora and he deserves our salutation for the noble job.

Hindu Samhati takes its hat off to Niranjan Babu for his noble activity.

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