Defend RSS

published on November 3, 2010

Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy made in Kochi on 3 Nov. 2010

The vicious attack on the RSS by Ms. Sonia Gandhi yesterday at the captive Congress Party meeting is now making clear to all Indians her true form. Like Ravana who came dresssed as a Sadhu in saffron colour clothes to fool Sita to let down her guard, so that he could kidnap her, in the same way Ms. Gandhi came dressed in a saree, even covering her head on occasions as a good bahu (daughter in law) would, and fooled Indian people to enable her to steal the raj simhasan;

Yesterday at the meeting, she was speaking in her true form, as a foreign Christian missionary agent of the religious conversion violence against Bharat Mata, and hence seeking to defame the RSS with a contrived charge of terrorist activities.

RSS is a voluntary organization of patriotic Hindus who want to rise above petty caste and regional loyalties, and hence a sheet anchor in the battle against cash-induced religious conversion of which Ms. Gandhi is the patron in India.

She is now seeking to shackle India so that the Vatican can enjoy suzerainty over Sanatana Dharma and Hindustan.

I urge all genuine Hindutvavadis to throw off all their shackling inhibitions and join in a grand democratic onslaught on this covert, clandestine, and cancerous invasion against the most ancient and continuing value system of India that was made known to us Indians as Hindutva by Swami Vivekananda and Veer Savarkar, and given an all India organisational content by the RSS. For the sake of a Virat Hindustan I appeal to all patriotic Indians to defend the RSS with all the resolve that they can muster.

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