Death of Public Outrage in India

published on November 10, 2010

The unscrupulous politicians of India are declaring every day that private character has virtually no impact on governing public character. What matters above all is a healthy economy and that moral authority is defined solely by how well a Prime Minister or a Cabinet Minister deals with public policy matters. If these arguments are allowed to become legal tender in the public realm, we, the ordinary people of India, would have validated them and all of us will come to rue the day we did so. We should all remember that these sordid and unscrupulous arguments define us down; they assume a lower common denominator of behaviour and leadership than we Indians, as responsible citizens, ought to accept.

And if we do accept it, we will have committed an unthinking act of moral and intellectual disarmament. In the realm of Indian ideals and the great tradition of public debate, the high ground will have been lost. And when we need to rely again on this high ground, as surely as we will need to from time to time in the future, we will find it drained of its compelling moral power. We cannot allow our unscrupulous politicians to define public morality down.
The word ‘Judgement’ is a word that seems to be out of favour these days, but it ought to remain a corner stone of our democratic self-government. It is what enables us to hold ourselves, and our leaders, to high standards. It is how we distinguish between right and wrong, noble and base, honour and dishonour. We cannot ignore that responsibility, or foist it on others. It is the price, sometimes the most exacting price, of citizenship in a democracy. Our civilised society must give public affirmation to principles and standards, categorical norms, notions of right and wrong. Even though many of our public figures often fall short of these standards, and we know and we expect some will, it is nevertheless crucial that we pay tribute to them. At the moment there is a moral bankruptcy and it is damaging our country, its standards and our self-respect. We as a nation should not fail to distinguish between Mahatma Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi.

The essence of democracy lies in all the people having equal opportunities. Democracy means that the humblest person could hope to rise to the top. But this can never happen in India. Indian polity and Indian politics are both bereft of any idealism and only those with bags of money or those who can mobilise money bags can ever contest the elections and hope to reach the top. How can paupers finance the election mela which is becoming more and more expensive? He only becomes a laughing stock pitted against these ‘imperial’ financial frauds. The superstructure of our democracy is indeed founded on money power and its ability to master physical groups like caste groups, communal groups, religious groups, cronies, sycophants and followers and to pay for them. With money, the leaders can buy others and with muscle, they can intimidate or even eliminate other opponents/contestants. It is therefore incorrect to say that all the Indian citizens have equal opportunities to contest elections. The solid concrete facts would clearly confirm that the contrary is the truth. My aim here is to give public expression to people’s private concerns.

Ever since independence, the same coterie of 15,000 people have controlled the levers and reigns of power. They only have represented the people, as nobody else could mobilise their resources to fight elections. Soon after independence, the Congress party under Nehru, who was a self-chosen stooge of Stalin and Communist Russia, piloted the Zamindari Abolition Act to abolish the system of hereditary land holders on a large scale. It was done on the grandiloquent principle of equity and natural justice! Indira Gandhi abolished the Privy Purses which had been guaranteed at the time of India’s independence to all the princes of India on the same principle which was quite unconstitutional and illegal. What was denied to the zamindars and the princes has been transferred through the instrumentality of Parliament to the Nehru family and Nehru clan and a few other political clans. The laws of succession have freely operated even in the matter of filling up of the seats on a hereditary basis in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. POLITICS HAS BECOME A HEREDITARY AVOCATION, WORSE THAN THE CASTE SYSTEM. Apart from the Nehru family which has strangulated the country for nearly two generations, many of the other equally clever men in Indian politics have evolved a hereditary lineage. At the top we have had the Holy Nehru Trinity, father, daughter, grandson. And now we have the trans-national firangi memsahib daughter-in-law; she is being declared as not only the daughter-in-law of Indira Gandhi but also that of (only pseudo-secular) Mother India!

The following table gives a clear idea about how the unquestioned hereditary principle has operated at all levels in India after independence:

        Prime Leader            Family Members
Jawaharlal Nehru     –    Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi, Maneka Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi,
                                   Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi
Ravi Shankar Shukla-   V. C Shukla, S. C Shukla
Karunakaran        –       Muraleedharan
M. Karunanidhi    –      M.K Stalin, Alagiri, Kanimozhi
G.K Moopanar   –       G.K Vasan
Dr S. Ramdass   –       Anbumani
Murasoli Maran  –      Dayanidhi Maran
Sheik Abdullah    –      Farook Abdullah, Omar Abdullah
Rafi Ahmed Kidwai  -  Mohsina Kidwai
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad -Najma Heptullah
Charan Singh     -   Ajit Singh
Devi Lal         -   Chautala, Ranjit Singh
G.B Pant         -   K.C Pant
V.P Naik          -  Shalini Naik
Sharad Pawar    –    Supriya Sule
P.A Sangma        –    Agatha Sangma

SOON AFTER INDEPENDENCE, THE CONGRESS PARTY CREATED A POLITICALLY FASHIONABLE PERSONALITY CULT TO PUBLICLY PROCLAIM ABOUT THE EXCEPTIONAL AND OUTSTANDING QUALITIES OF SOME OF ITS LEADERS AND POLITICAL HEROES. BY THE ORCHESTRATED REPETITION OF SEVERAL SUCH FALSEHOODS, THE CONGRESS PARTY CREATED A MAKE-BELIEVE NATION. Nehru worship till 1962 was one such deliberate exercise in cult. There was never any objective evaluation of Nehru, his ideas, his achievements, his contradictions, his successes, his follies and his failures. And of course there was no evaluation of the long-term impact of his catastrophic economic policy and foreign policy failures. Everything Nehru did, real or imaginary, and what he failed to do were all camouflaged in a humdrum of raucous praises. The Congress party, after independence, converted politics into a sordid arena of business not only for the Nehru family but also for every leading member of the Congress party. This disease I call as AICS (Acquired In Congress Syndrome!). This is a dangerous infection worse than AIDS and this infection has spread to all other political parties in India.

The Congress style of politics has provided a Midas touch to all the aspirants. Most of the richest men in the country are the politicians with mostly unaccounted wealth, internal and foreign wealth. Politics is a business without any norms or rules of business regarding accounting or accountability to anyone. Politics is the only business that facilitates acquisition of wealth without earning at distress prices or for a pittance or the grabbing of valuable resources such as prime lands without any compensation to the owner or the government. This business of politics seems to operate with no taxation on income or wealth, no financial risk, and no disclosure of sources of wealth or any fiduciary interests at any time. My observations should not be viewed as fiction but are solid facts borne out by irrefutable evidence and established precedents.

Exploitation — sucking of the blood of the poor masses of India — is a normal pervasive style in this business of politics. It is a business with no code of conduct. There is no limit to the magnitude of profits or accumulation of wealth or the enormity of crimes. The only competition may come from different forms of organised dacoity! It is an irony that under the Company’s Act, buying of shares using the capital of the company is prohibited. But there is no such prohibition or ban in the field of business of politics. The politician is free to stretch and dip his hand into the public office (by cleverly routing the business through some rules and procedures on paper to satisfy our dead and moribund courts of law!) and fill his private pockets and continue to amass wealth. All the enforcement agencies, uniformed or otherwise, of the Government of India will give a helping hand to every politician to achieve his objective of maximum wealth at no cost or minimum cost. Politics is the only business where they are under no constraint to discriminate between public and private wealth, where their personal interests are involved.

IT IS A TRAGEDY THAT THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE REALMS HAS ALTOGETHER COLLAPSED IN INDIA. The power and prerogatives of public office have been employed by all the politicians to satisfy their private desires. Most business activities carried on by politicians enjoy exemption from any kind of taxation, including income-taxation. The whole income from the business of politics is outside the purview of any scrutiny on account of the merger of personal and party funds. The most shameful part of the whole story is that all the paper tigers of the Income-Tax Department, Customs and Excise Department would show tremendous deference and consideration to every politician in office or out of office. SONS, DAUGHTERS, RELATIONS OF OUR UNSCRUPULOUS POLITICIANS AND THEIR CONCUBINES AND PARAMOURS ARE AUTHORISED TO FUNCTION AS KNOWN SMUGGLERS OF GOLD, DIAMONDS, DRUGS AND COUNTERFEIT CURRENCY UNDER THE COVER OF A TO Z SECURITY AND DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY. All honour without any doubt to firangi memsahib Sonia Gandhi and nothing but shame, ridicule and political oblivion to the self-less traditions of Mahatma Gandhi! 

 Once the Maha-Dalit Jagjivan Ram, one of the greatest international giants in the field of corruption in India after independence, shamelessly announced in the Lok Sabha that he had forgotten to file his income tax return by oversight for several years. His obliging Prime Minister Indira Gandhi came to his rescue by declaring that “Jagjivan Babu was so busy serving the nation that he totally forgot to pay the taxes”.

In our country we cannot take the words of any of our leaders for granted. Words have been deconstructed, promises emptied of meaning. Politics has been reduced to a mere commercial game. It is all very straightforward: if a man’s public word means nothing, it means nothing. It is public folly to believe otherwise.

All the politicians have conferred upon themselves various privileges/ perquisites to pursue and thrive in their political business. While the political management in all our legislatures follows a set style, there is complete unanimity among all the parties on one fundamental aspect. They all agree that all the citizens of India will have to be kept in a continuous state of conflicts, tensions and ignorance, so that they are constantly under pressure fully occupied and completely at the mercy of these oligarchic political overlords. All policies made in the country, all decisions affecting the people and all actions taken so far to implement the policies and decisions are traceable to the politicians. The business of politics in India has become so attractive that many unscrupulous people from different professions, inspired by ulterior motives, are seeking the mantle of politics. They have in no way laid the foundation for the progress of the country. They neither inspire the youth nor lead them.

THE MOTHER SUPERIOR OF ALL CORRUPTION IN THE UPA II GOVERNMENT IN NEW DELHI IS THE FIRANGI MEMSAHIB SONIA GANDHI. In her over weening political arrogance and bumptiousness, she reminds us all about Catherine de’ Medici (1519 – 1589) (born in Florence, Italy) who later became Queen of France, and Lucrezia Borgia (18 April 1480 – 24 June 1519). Authentic history tells us that both these political women were incorrigible political criminals!!

The Firangi Memsahib has nothing but unconcealed hatred and contempt for the Hindus of India and their religious and cultural traditions. In her capacity as the Chairman of UPA Co-Ordination Committee, she has remained brazenly silent over the Rs 117,000 Crores 2 G Spectrum Scam of that political DMK scum A. Raja, Rs 70, 000 Crores Congwealth (CommonWealth) Games Scam, Rs 1,500 Crores Adarsh Scam of Maharashtra Congress Chief Minister Ashok Chavan. The country has been able to scent through reliable public rumours that Rs 30,000 Crores in 1,000 Rupee packets looted out of Commonwealth Games scam were carted away in containers to numbered Swiss Bank accounts of Sonia Clan.
And yet there is no public outrage whatsoever. The Sonia Congress Party has evolved the most perfect scientific state-of-the-art methodology of diversion, half-truth, equivocation, and sophistry for covering up all scams and more particularly those gigantic scams like 2G Spectrum scam and Commonwealth Games scam, where all the leads trace their fountainhead to the members of the inner circle of the Sonia Clan! The CONGRESS BUREAU OF INTIMIDATION (The most shameless CBI consisting of impotent eunuchs) would go out of their way to foist imaginary criminal cases upon an outstanding elected Chief Minister like Narendra Modi at the instance of the firangi memsahib.

Death of outrage and death of Eternal India seem to be two sides of the same coin issued by the firangi memsahib’s Private Estate Pvt.Ltd. UPA II Government of India today. I would like to pay my poetic tribute to this most vicious, most wicked and most corrupt and irresponsible Government by quoting the words of the great German poet Erich Fried.

It has happened
and it goes on happening
and will happen again
if nothing happens to stop it
The innocent know nothing because they are too innocent and the guilty know nothing because they are too guilty
The poor do not notice because they are too poor and the rich do not notice because they are too rich
The stupid shrug their shoulders because they are too stupid and the clever shrug their shoulders because they are too clever
The young do not care because they are too young and the old do not care because they are too old
That is why nothing happens
to stop it
and that is why it has happened
and goes on happening and will happen again


Paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam.
Dharma sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge.

Bagavat Gita (Chapter 4, Verse 8)

For the protection of the devotees and the annihilation of the miscreants and to fully establish righteousness, I appear millennium after millennium.

For the upliftment of the good and virtuous,
For the destruction of evil,
For the re-establishment of dharma,
I will come, in every age.

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