Dear Sanal Edamaruku,say honestly..”I dont know”.

via Sudhakaran published on May 9, 2011

“India would have been a better place without Sathya sai baba.Too great is the damage he did to India”-says Sanal Edamaruku.


Those who are trying to tarnish Satya Sai Baba will lose themselves.What they are gaining in return will be worthless.They will disappear like dreams without a single trace behind.
What about Edamaruku,Kovoor and Premanand..? Disappeared into thin air like soap bubbles.Who is remembering them..? Nobody .

But Sathya Sai Baba’s impact is so deep that it will remain unto the last man.He is going to beat in the hearts of billions.Only difference is that he will not be available embodied in a certain shape and form.But he is in the wind,in the ocean and we can feel him in in a thousand and one ways.because his sushma sharira is more powerful than his stula sharira.

Osho’s following words should go deep into the tiny brain of Indian rationalists.

OSHO says: “Abraham T Kovoor seems to be a nice old man,but a little senile.Senile,I call him,because a person can’t be both together,a rationalist and athiest.A rationalist can’t have any belief,in God or no God.A rationalist suspends all belief,a rationalists can only be an agnostic,he can only say ‘I dont know’.The moment you say ‘I know’ you are no longer a rationalist.The moment you say ‘I know that God does not exist’ you are as irrational as the person who says god exists.You have lost the track.”

“How can you say God is not ? The whole existence has not yet been measured,there are depths upon depths,there is much still unknown.A little is known,far more remains unknown and unknowable,how can you say dogmatically that God is not? A rationalist will avoid all temptation of dogmatism,he will say ‘I dont know’.

Dear Sanal Edamaruku,say honestly..”I dont know”.

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