Cry my beloved country

published on January 2, 2013

On the eve of the New Year2013.the question which comes to my mind is “where is my India”? ’Where is the nation in which I grew up and in which I did not see any difference between people of different religions? What has happened to this nation? Who is responsible for this downslide in values but up rise in corruption-greed for power and prestige?

But there is pride and hope when I saw the young people gather and protest for Nirbhaya.Her fight for life-for survival became their rallying point to fight on the roads of the capital braving the weather, facing the water cannons the lathis of the powers. It was a sight heart rending to watch young protestors beaten ruthlessly and Mrs Sonia Gandhi, Sheila Dikshit mouthing hollow words. Yes every one has daughters-even the Home Minister and the Police chief-the difference is they are fully aware that their daughters have all the security and secured vehicles to move around. What happens to the hapless who must walk-or take a public transport? What infuriates me is the fact that their security and the vehicles are at our cost. Even Mrs Sonia Gandhi living in No 10 Janpath is not her own-It belongs to the people. Her daughter is not even an MP then why government bungalow for her-in the name of security that was given. Their hearts bleed it seems- what hypocrisy- Sheila Dikshit did not have the heart to visit the rape victim and Manmohan Singh did not get the green signal to speak I suppose for 7 days. Could he not spontaneously reach out to the victim and her family? When Dr Haneef was harassed in Australia how quick Manmohan Singh reacted,’ that he had sleepless nights. I wonder if he had sleepless nights now when Nirbhaya was fighting for her life after having been brutalized and tormented.

Mr Prime Minister and Mrs Sonia Gandhi must remember that under the regime of the UPA women have lost their right even to live-have lost their dignity. Sheila Dikshit if she had an iota of self respect would have resigned-the fact remains that the UPA 2 unleashed terror.It is not shocking because the Congress has its ‘parampara’ and mindset mired in the Emergency. Hence the nation tasted a bit of that terror and force when the police lathis charged young protestors. Does not matter their age-does not matter whether they are students or not and does not matter whether they are dented and painted. Not a word of condemnation from the Congress when the President’s son called the protestors dented and painted. That apart, I am horrified at the way the government acted in the hush hush of the cremation. The PM and Mrs Sonia Gandhi went to the airport to receive the body of the rape victim-As though that was a big deal and substituted consolation to the hundreds that were braving it all in the capital. Did they not have a right to bid her adieu? Did Nirbhaya not deserve a final and fitting nation’s homage? Was Nirbhaya a fugitive to be secretly cremated? What was it that the PM and Mrs Sonia Gandhi thought? They wanted to snuff out that spark of the protestors. Were they afraid of the protestors who carried no lathis, and were unarmed? They had only candles in their hands. Why was this legitimate right to give Nirbhaya a fitting funeral and cremation denied? This is the big question.The Congress will pay dearly for this its heartless behavior and its hypocrisy will be exposed.

Yes this nameless brave soul has ignited a spark-a spark of revolution and that cannot be defused because ‘enough is enough’ Women have been patient but will no more take it .It is not as though Nirbhaya is just one of the few who have been raped. Look at the statistics of the capital alone-The latest figures given by the police puts it at 662 this year in Delhi (so what about the rest of the country)The age group is from under 2years to over 25 years. How many cases have been registered? How many cases in which the predators have been convicted? If the police are unable to take these cases to its logical end then where is the solution? The police in Delhi is too hassled and preoccupied with the VIPs.It must be remembered that the police is paid not by the VVIPs and the VIPs but by the common man’s tax money. They are accountable to the common people for its security and are obligated to bring down the crime rate.

Even in this hour of anger and anguish the Congress is busy thinking of its next elections-what to do and what not to do to improve its numbers. How to hold on to power and how to nullify the protestations and demonstrations. It is bulldozing the legitimate rights of the people which will only boomerang. The Congress has failed miserably under Mrs Sonia Gandhi. A culture of power and corruption has seeped through all the systems political, social and religious. Every sphere-every area has been highjacked and communalized. It seems that power and money and prestige alone matters. It is ridiculous when the so called youth icon (who is 42) of the Congress-Rahul Gandhi utters meaningless nothings-like for instance that he belongs to the rural. What does that mean?

The Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tiwari wants texts to dominate the government ads highlighting the achievements of the government. Will he also show on one side the failures of the UPA under the Congress? The government has to do something. After all the ministers and the bureaucrats are paid for their services-salaries-vehicles-and other perks. Are they not duty bond to do something-at least create a mirage of development? Using again public money to print government ads with the PM and Mrs Sonia Gandhi pictures is illegal. Every single program of the government carries the name of one of the Gandhi-Nehru family. As though these are their own personal programs gifted to the people. ‘We have given this and we have given that” is the statement. Who is the ‘WE’? The central government funds do not belong to the Congress and the expenditure of the government is again people’s monies. The Congress cannot take credit for it. Then let it account for the salaries-the perks and the No 10 Janpath which it is utilizing-all belonging to the people. I want to ask the Congress-You take in crores and you throw peanuts to the people. You claim development so after more than 50 years of your regime you say poverty and poverty numbers have increased. What was the development then you were/are engaged in or involved in. I think that Minister Manish Tiwari will have two columns for the advertisements. One -for the so called achievements of the UPA under the Congress, and the other for the utter failures of the Congress. Its downslide of the country’s economy, its high inflation, its anti-woman stand, the failure of the police under it, these must be enumerated. The scams under its regime must be listed and its inability to stem corruption-these and more. This should be the approach if the Minister is honest and not continue cheating the people with hypocrisy and hollow promises.

The advertisements must carry the total number of rapes reported-the number of rape cases registered and the number of rape cases in which the predators have not been apprehended/convicted etc.This should be the score sheets of the UPA and let the people evaluate them. Will the Congress have the courage and the honesty to perform such an exercise?

Women, and youth will not forget and forgive the Congress’ anti-women and anti-youth mindset. The Congress has abetted the criminalization of society. On the whole the aam admis-the mango people versus the banana people .We the mango people will not allow this nation to become a banana republic and call it democracy-we will lay down our lives to uphold democracy and the Constitution. This is a pledge.

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