Cricket is not all there is – spare a thought for our soldiers too

via K Vijayan published on March 30, 2011

Paperazzi and Sporting Editors have gone overboard celebrating the hard-fought victory our cricket team has won to enter the Finals of the World Cup. And it is not just the Pakistan team alone that they have downed in the process – they overcame ‘champion’ teams en route.

While crowing over the fact that India has beaten Pakistan in all five World Cup series, and writing all that gushing stuff about ‘spirit of the game’ and cricket-diplomacy by a pair of discreditted, criminal PMs by the candle-wielding enemies of the state entrenched in our Media, we are all expected to forget the number of times our brave soldiers have fought Pakistan and saved this nation and sacrificed their lives in the process.

THEY did not get Sponsors for their families and crores of rupees for appearing in White Stuff advertisements. And it is not as if they are just ignored by the Media, politicians and bureaucrats – they are often insulted by the criminal junta ruling us and publicly humiliated. Like our Famously Honest Commie Kairali netha who said even a dog would not be seen visiting a martyred soldier’s house.

At the WC Finals in Mumbai, what about observing a one-minute silence before, or after the Indian National Anthem, in memory of our heroic soldiers who gave up their lives in Kargil, Skardu, Mumbai etc? Would that be construed in International Wikileaky circles as a minority-provoking, Communal Harmony Disturbing, act of Hindu Fundamentalism?

What about a Memorial in each town to remind us of the mutilated bodies of our soldiers returned so kindly by the most barbarous, savage set of people the world has ever seen after the birth of Saviour Jesus and Prophet Muhammed?

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