Cow Slaughter is Jihad against India

via Laxminarayan published on December 1, 2009

Since time immemorial the  concept of cow protection has been  part of the highly humanistic Hindu social and spiritual ethos.  The cow has throughout the ages been central to the Indian economy. The cow is thus revered as  kamadhenu (giver of boons) and has been elevated to the status of a religious symbol.

The Ideology imported from the Arabian desert says, “convert the kaffirs”. If you can’t, then kill them. And if neither is possible, hurt them, hurt their beliefs, hurt  their  economy, punish them so they accept the Word and become Believers.

Large scale conversions and killing are not that easy today. So what is the next best way ?

Carry on an undeclared jihad against the kaffirs, terrorize them, bomb them, hit their economic foundations. So the kaffirs capitulate and are forced to follow the ordained path.

What better way can India be hit than by body blows to its rural economy that supports over 69%  per cent of the country’s population.

Why is the cow a jihadi target ?

Total value of milk                           Rs.1.17 lakh cr.  production

Percentage of contribution to                    25 %   agro sector

As percentage of                                        33%   rural income

Direct employment                                     10 crore (persons)

Indirect employment                                  12 crore (persons)

Share of  India’s GDP     5 per cent

 And India’s agro centric economy places a high premium on the dairy industry the mainstay of which is the cow and its progeny that not only bolster the economy through milk and milk products, but also as draught animals (bulls), that are used to plough the fields and draw bullock carts that are a cheap and efficient mode of transportation. Add to this the fact that In a largely vegetarian country like ours,  dairy products form the basic source of nutrition. Additionally, manure from these animals fertilizes the fields and other bye products are a rich source of medicine.

In the last four  decades, , the contribution of the milk production  sector to the overall GDP has been consistent at a rate of five percent during the last three decades. Today, this sector contributes over 25 percent of the output of the agriculture sector. It contributes almost one third to the gross rural  income

In the year 2004-2005, the country produced Rs.1,17,800 crores worth of milk, making it the  single largest agricultural commodity in India, way ahead of wheat (Rs.70,400 cores) and paddy (Rs,48,000 crores) and directly employed over 10 crore Indians. If one adds the value of the downstream products and indirect employment the resulting picture would be gigantic by any stretch of imagination.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad considers cow protection as a national patriotic duty both from the religious as well as economic points of view and has set up a countrywide go raksha movement.

Towards this end, the Parishad  works to protect the cow and its progeny from the butcher’s knife. It  has set up a countrywide chain of goshalas where the cows are sheltered and taken care of, units to  produce medicines from the bye products, dairy farms where cows are given organic nutrition and , veterinary clinics to ensure the health of the cows. At every center there are rescue teams that rush to rescue endangered cows with police help. Besides this, the Parishad also has a permanent ongoing communication campaign to educate and awaken  the masses about the national necessity of cow protection.

Despite constitutional protection and stringent laws, cow slaughter, particularly by the minorities continues unchecked. Slaughter of cows peaks during festivals like Id and our efforts to legally stop it through police complaints meets with total indifference from the political establishment.  Is it because the politicians want to pander to their Muslim vote bank?

Cow slaughter is undeclared jihad to destroy India. And the sooner all Hindus wake up and see the danger, the better for the country.

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