Counterfeit Socialism in India

published on October 6, 2009

Dr Babu Suseelan

Hindus always lived with an ideal
Syatsti Prajabhyam paripalayantham
Nyayena Margaenna Mahim Maheesah
Gobramanebhya Shubamsthu Nityam Lokah
Samstha Sukhino Bhavanthu
Ohm Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

(May there be well being to the people,  may the king rule the world along the right path, may all live well, may all the beings in the world become happy, peace, peace and peace everywhere )          
 Through High Thinking and Simple Living, Hindus experienced the values of life.  Our Kings guided by Hindu Gurus were ruled according to the principles of Dharma.  Peace, prosperity and harmony prevailed. Now the ideal has been hijacked by our third rate anti Hindu political leaders. In the name of socialism, secularism, Marxism, and egalitarian society, they proclaim austerity and distribute poverty equally to the common man while jet setting the world and live in luxury hotels in the name of social benevolence.  The essential quality of the Congress Socialism has devastated our country and destroyed our social fabric.
Organized thugs, money mafia and corrupt politicians have looted our wealth and deposited in safe heavens abroad. In several Congress and Marxist ruled states people are pushed to unspeakable poverty, and suffer from literal starvation and stagnant level of misery. In several states subversive agents, criminals and Jihadi terrorists kill and loot people at free will. In Kerala and Tamil Nadu Hindu temples are looted, valuable idols are stolen daily.   In several states, subversive groups, Jihadi terrorists and criminals make peaceful life impossible.                                                                                                                               
Instead of peace, prosperity and progress the Congress party and Marxists have introduced a new kind of gruesome lunacy into governance: Austerity. It is for hypnotizing the gullible public. It is moral corruption. In the name of benevolence these politicians are showing their callousness.  They are indifferent to the plight of poor farmers, but eager to divert millions of dollars for Muslims to visit Saudi Arabia for advanced beheading training (hajj).
Despite plummeting revenues, elected officials travel around the world, live in luxury hotels and receive massive amounts from the treasury for travel, entertainment and living expenses. They accept luxury as a way of life while posturing as advocates of austerity.  They never protest against the jet set life style of the Italian catholic Lady Sonia and the lavish life style of her son Rahul fooling around with the Columbian daughter of a drug mafia.  Apparently, it is not an issue of principle for the Marxists, the secular moral relativists, the media and the so called mindless socialists.

In the name of austerity, they condone and accept five star life style. Enjoy foreign tour with no reason, throw extravagant parties and proud of handing out millions  for Jihadi terrorist groups. How could these corrupt, despotic politicians survive in India? How could they evade or ignore the plight of the poor and the horror of poverty? When will the general public break the thick wall of denial? When will the ignorant and innocent public get rid their apathy, indifference and counterfeit tolerance?
Our elected representatives are financial parasites and cultural nihilists. They are seeking unearned material benefits to live in luxury at the expense of poor citizens. The media and the ignorant public allow them to live in luxury with the loot. They are also spiritual parasites finding satisfaction in producing and distributing bumper stickers and posters and shouting:

All religions are the same
India is a country of cultural pluralists
Tolerance is a virtue
Passivism is great, poverty is acceptable

These slogans are meant for mental misdirection and to psycho program the public intended to make them zombies. They want to achieve greatness by praising Jihadi terrorists and subversive groups. In the name of tolerance, elected officials tolerate terrorist groups operating in every sates of India.  They want our silent approval for their lavish life style and corrupt practices. Our material resources are expropriated for the well being of Jihadis and other terrorist groups. They are not concerned with the suffering and degradation of Hindus in Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram, Bihar and Kerala.  Mass murder of Hindus in Kashmir by the Islamic terrorists, degradation and horror by Maoists in Bihar, slaughter by the Peoples war group in Andhra Pradesh, daily bombing by the banned SIMI in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, mass murder of Hindus by the missionary supported Bodo terrorist group in the North East are not an issue with these callous elected officials headed by Sonia Maino.

When the Congress or Marxist political leaders talk about socialism, secularism, equality, and justice, they are fooling the public. They are not standing for any of these concepts. They are not for preserving our culture, national integrity, nor for our noble ideals or the country. They are for the festering vanity of the Jihadi brutes.

The so called secularism,  socialism, altruism and benevolent rhetoric are incompatible with our sacred Dharma, wisdom and spiritual tradition. It was Our Hindu culture and universal philosophical system that gave us freedom, prosperity and peace.

Let us not permit these parasites to enslave us in their collectivist tyranny or confiscate our values, material or moral.

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