Corruption and Looting in India

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on December 2, 2010

During historical periods of Islamic invasion and Christian colonialism, Billions of rupees, natural resources, gold, diamonds, silver and priceless temple artifacts were looted out of India.
Since independence, the corrupt Congress Party and anti national regional parties have continued the loot. The anti Hindu government at the Centre and states have been manipulating information on corruption, and public loot. The political leaders who loot billions of tax payers money go Scot free. In this context, one must remember How much is one billion:
A billion seconds ago it was 1959. A billion minutes ago the year was 1 AD. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the stone age. If you make up one rupee every second you will have a million rupee in 12 days. You will be a billionaire in 32 years. It will take you more than 31000 years to make a trillion rupee. If you count 1 million rupees in one rupee note non stop, it will take 28 days to complete the process. It will take 96 years for you to count one billion rupees in one rupee note.
The corrupt, phony, secular politicians in New Delhi can make that much in a minute.
If you are concerned about politicians looting money from the treasury, you must be politically active, sensitive and participate in electing clean, corruption free nationalist leaders like Sr Narendra Modi.

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