Conscious Knowledge and Imposed Deception

published on February 4, 2014

 The Research  study of the neurophysiology of deceit, attitudes, self-deception, and unconscious behavior suggest a great diminished role of our conscious mind in guiding human behavior. Like an ice piece in water we float in water, our three fourths of mind is unconscious and we are not aware of it. The unconscious mind decide and determines our actions. our conscious mind can be manipulated, directed, controlled and we can be forced to behave like a brainless  zombie, or convert our people into believing closed dogmas.  The conscious mind seems to lag behind  the unconscious mind in our  determination, and action and perception. Hindus are confused, suffer from cognitive disorder and congress party was allowed to continue our European Christian colonial rule.

Our  Rishis have rapidly recognized that Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, Psychological, Programming can be introduced to change our perception, conscious decision making, attitudes and behavior. Our Rishis were great. They have developed Meditation techniques, and Mantras and Vedic chanting to clean our minds.

That is why western Christian colonialists have changed our educational system. introduced their language to eradicate our cultural values and imposed their deception and deceit on Hindus. Individuals, groups, Families have to learn new language, techniques for survival. Further, they have to be required to learn and  to adapt quickly  to the increasingly rapid changes taking place in society.

Our social-spiritual-nationalist leaders have tried to revive our vedic thought system and vedic values (Swami Dayananda of Arya Samaji, Hedgewar of RSS, Madan  Mohan Malaviya, Gopala Krishna Gokhale, Swmi Aurobindo,  Gangadhar Tilak, Veer Savarkar ) etc have tried to revive  our national Vedic value system.

The lively interest shown by Hindus in practicing our Hindus dharma, learning Vedic values, promoting our Dharma and preserving it has been eroded and diminished by our invading Muslims and Missionary gangs. As a result, we are drifting apart. Unable to solve problems imposed on us by deception we are acting like brainless zombies. Our enemy agents are happy, delighted to coercively convert our people.

When  theoretical positions are different, or appear inconsistent with our systemic, all inclusive, VEDIC system Hindus have the right to resist and form our own thought system and government. All inclusiveness, and systemic thinking of Hindus does not mean that we have to embrace non Vedic thought system or practice corruption or deception of Missionarie. Differences in and variations in interpreting or understanding  our problems frequently lead to dissimilar solutions at the both the individual, and  policy planners at the higher level as well. There is much disagreement even among Professional politicians  about how much disagreement there is.

Our hope is that the present election India is crucial for us. MODI and his BJP team can  provide us with information and challenge us to think through and question some of our attitudes, behaviors imposed on us by our enemies. Slowly we will understand that the congress government was a continuation of our colonial rule for more than 65 years. Our core values  are based on Dharma. Our new Prime Minister MODI can and will create an atmosphere for our children to learn our core values based on Vedas, practice it, preserve it, and promote it for the benefit of the world. MODI’s confidence among our youth is great. MODI can be great HINDU nationalist leader who can integrate all thought systems. Until we all Hindus and former Hindus establish a legitimate moral-cultural standard, our civilization is at risk.

No civilization can survive if our political leaders can chet its citizens with imposed self-deception for a long time. it is time for all hindus and non- hindus in india to to renew India. We have a moral obligation to Join with MODUI, the Mind, Spirit, and Soul of India.

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