Congress Dangerous than Pakistan or Bangladesh

via GSK Menon published on September 28, 2010

Azaan Call in Common Wealth Games – News Report

This sort of communalisation has to be firmly put down with an iron hand. The congress will once again ruin and disintegrate this country by communalising each and everything. Much more than the congress it is we Hindus who are responsible for such tragic developments. By repeatedly voting the congress to power we have made the Hindus into an endangered species. What will our succeeding generations do ? How will they live in this country ?

Much more than Pakistan and Bangladesh and China, we have to be wary of the designs of the congress party. They have become a set of corrupt scoundrels who will stoop to any machination to remain in power. This greed for power and naked lust for wealth is making them to exploit dangerous course of action in all fields. At each and every level they are dividing society on the basis of religion, caste, sub-caste, state, language and what not. Our so called democracy is an utter sham, a coterie of family and sycophants are ruling in every nook and corner of our country. Our congress leaders are the most unscrupulous scoundrels in this country.

But, ultimately we Hindus are to be blamed for this rotten state of affairs. Nobody is giving the Hindus any credit for their secular outlook.. All over the world we are looked down upon as a group of dirty and filthy people without any self respect. Our Gurus may go all around the world speaking of lofty philosophy and morals but our behaviour is downright nasty in our country. We may deride the Muslims as barbaric but they are respected all over the world.

The Hindus need to retrospect as to why they are functioning and thinking in a deviant manner. We need a mass Hindu movement to restructure our social and political outlook. If the present trend continues don’t be surprised if azaan is read out in temples in the days to come.

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