Comedian Ali Insulted Tirumala

via published on July 9, 2011

There is always a huge difference between doing an act in reel and real so no matter the experience, it takes self control to present oneself during live events. That is something comedian Ali forgot recently while he was compering for the MAA Awards along with the regular favourite Suma.
Apparently, the film nagar folks are expressing bitterness over one of Ali’s statement which insulted Tirumala. A cine member revealed “When Namitha came onto the stage for an award, Ali was describing her back and compared her body to Tirumala laddu. That is sheer blasphemy!!”
He added “Admiring a woman’s beauty is one thing but why degrade a sacred offering by comparing it with a heroine’s back or assets. This is an utter disgrace from a senior and responsible actor like Ali. And it is definitely an insult on Tirumala Swamy’s prasadam.” Wonder what Ali has to say to this.

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