CJ of Madras High Court : what has he learnt?

via K Vijayan published on September 8, 2011

What have any of the CJs of Tamil Nadu, Dilli, or the Supreme Court learnt for that matter, when it comes to Applying their Mind to Terrorism, even within their tight little Closed Shop with all their Privileges, Contempts, non-accountability, inscrutability and irresponsibility?
This Hon’ble Eqbal may be a new CJ of Chennai HC, may be a native of Ranchi or wherever, but has he not heard about Tamil Nadu’s Rowdy Lawyers, Kazhagam Lawyers of various hues, Christian Lawyers, Muslim Lawyers, Congress Lawyers, Communist Lawyers, and their attacks on High Courts, Judges, fellow Lawyers, litigants, civilians, Police forces, burning up Police Stations, Public Buses and places, Road Rokos, blackmailing, burning National Flag, Burning Constitution etc?

All CJs have been members of the Trade Union of Lawyres indulging in Collective Bargaining, for their sole selfish purposes and the administration of Justice is nowhere in their scheme of things.

There is enough Prima Facie evidence to claim that these Judges and Lawyers are part of the India Destroying Agenda of the Olde Colonial Forces of Christianity and Islam.
So how does this CJ of Madras High, who seems to have snapped out of some Rip Van 20-year slumber expect that the TN Police will provide twenty cops at each gate, vehicle checks, passport checks, body-searches, scanners etc, because some Muslim let off a bomb in Dilli? Particularly for this Madras High Court where Lawyers have beaten up more cops and burnt the very Police Station which used to be inside the premises – and not one Judge, Lawyer or CJ came out in their support.

And mind you, the Police were beaten up, harassed and continue to be victimised till today because a bunch of Lawyers assaulted and tried to kill Dr.Subramaniam Swamy and other litigants in the HC premises, and the Police stood in their way.

Any idiot can get a Black Riband Lawyer sticker to put on his car or bike – so how can a sticker identify a terrorist? Nice Application of Mind.

Why not the Hon’bles provide untamperable, hologrammised ID tags, numberplates etc for Lawyers and judges at least, and their Vehicles too, considering the increasing number of rowdies, terrorists and Defenders of Terrorism among them?

Let the Trade Union of CJs ask this UPA of Traitors why they have not hung Afzal or Kasab or Madani till date.

The Judiciary has been very much a crucial component of the Minority-Terrorist Organisations of India, and the game being played out by the UPA and the Judiciary between them reminds us of the Dickens duo of Spenlow and Jorkins.

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