Christians object to yoga, judiciary supports them!

via Shreevalsan ([email protected]) published on October 25, 2009

The perverted Nehruvian concept of ‘secularism’, which today is India’s state religion, has made it impossible for anyone to do anything good for society if it has even the faintest smell of Hinduism, the religion of the vast majority of Indian people.

The latest example of ‘secularism’ becoming an obstacle to doinganything good in India is this: The BJP-ruled government of Madhya Pradesh had introduced the yoga exercises of ‘Surya Namaskar’ and ‘Pranayamam’ in schools in thatstate.

Both these exercises are well-known to benefit our body and mind. But the Christians could not accept this since both these exercises are rooted in yoga which was developed by Hindu yogis and sages inancient times. They condemned these beneficial exercises as ‘Hindu religious rituals’. Father Anand Muttungal, a Keralite of the MP Catholic Church, approached the MP High Court.

Unsurprisingly, even the judiciary turned against Hindu society and religion. A couple of days ago, an MP High Court bench consisting of Chief Justice A. K. Patnaik and Justice Ajit Singh ordered the BJP state government not to implement ‘Surya Namaskar’ and ‘Prayanamam’ in schools in the state.

Rajesh Chand, lawyer for the Christian body,claimed that the state government had ‘violated’ the rights of minorities mentioned in Articles 25 to 30 of the Constitution.

A similar order was passed by the high court on January 24, 2007 on a petition by Muslim minority rights groups, when the MP stategovernment tried to organize Surya Namaskar in schools.

Timid ‘secular’ Hindus may dismiss this as a minor issue. It is not.What this incident proves, if proof was ever needed, is that the so-called minorities (actually followers of barbarous Middle Eastern religions) have a veto over what can or cannot done in the one and only homeland of the Hindus. This incidence also points to the utter impotence of Hindu society in general and Hindutva forces inparticular.

What Hindus must understand is that the Constitution of India is itself a Nehruvian plot to undermine their religion, culture and society in their own homeland. This plot is continuously implemented by the politicians, academia, media and even the judiciary. What then is the solution? Those Hindus who think there is a ‘legal’or other‘soft’ solution to this problem are living in a fool’s utopia.There can only be a physical solution to India’s minority problem.The sooner we understand this, the better. Father Anand Muttungal(notice this Christian’s Hindu-sounding first name, intended to fool gullible Hindus) would never have dared to file a suit if he had the slightest fear that brave and patriotic Hindu youth would break his legs if he went to court. Would any Christian-run school dare to oppose yoga if it was ever introduced in a Gulf Arab Muslim country? No. Christian confidence in their cunning evaporates when confronted with Islamic fury. Any Hindu expat in the Gulf will attest to this fact.

The cunning ‘achayan’ knew that there is no kshatriya spirit left in Hindu society, that no Hindu would gather the courage to assault him.It is that realization of Hindu impotence that results in such innumerable court cases, the verdict of most of which go against Hindus because the judiciary too is on the side of the enemy.   

When will the Hindutva forces realize that there is no action as goodas direct action? Or, will we just dismiss these incidents as minor irritations and just get on with life like meek and dumb cows? Is it not time to declare from the rooftop that India is Hindu country and that everything that takes place there will be in tune with Hindu religion and culture? Is it not time to show people like Father Muttungal their place? Is it not time to say boldly that the so-called minorities will longer have a veto over what is done or not done in Hindu India? Is it not time to tell the followers of these savage‘faiths’ that ‘if you are not comfortable with Hindu religion andculture, you can pack up and leave India?’

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