Cheating the State and looting the exchequer been declared as a “UPA Policy”

via K Vijayan published on November 10, 2011

PM trying to brazen his way out – PTI; 10-11-11

After having been an active accomplice and participant in the Loot of trillions of dollars during his criminal stints as PM of India, the PM is now threatening the CAG for having pointed out glaring irregularities committed by him and his Crooked Cabinet Colleagues.

This Crooked PM says that pointing out “irregularities” in award of Spectrum in violation of sound commercial and ethical practices by the CAG is “transgression” and “questioning policy issues”.

Has cheating the State and looting the exchequer been declared as a “Policy” of the Government of India, as represented by the UPA and its Cabinet of Thieves, and has this “Policy” been accepted by the Parliament and some Act or Law passed endowing unfettered Rights on Prime and un-prime Ministers, Councils, Commissions to do what they wish?

Even if this is the Legal Position, PMO’s  Pastor Narainsamy from Pudhicherry is not correct in saying that “. . . they have no right to criticise the government and make random observations” – unless Indian Constitution and Laws have been amended already wiping out all Freedom of Speech, Thought, Religion and Democratic Action.

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