Chanting Peace,Getting Killed

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on August 24, 2008

The world is changing, and India is changing. The question is on what direction our leaders are leading our country? The changes in society, in knowledge, in ideas, and in perceptions reflected in the passage of last several years is not reflected in thoughts or actions of our corrupt, indolent and passive political leaders. Indian leaders are ignorant of the rapid changes and have become so accustomed to appeasement, peace chanting, and special privileges for Jihadis, converted Christians and corrupt political cronies. As the world shifts in its contours, the character and attitude of the political leders ought to shift and the institutions they create must shift accordingly. It is a condition of survival to make life comfortable. Thus we all must run to keep in place, adjust our thinking to the pressures of changing conditions, balance the old against the new reality, and finally succeed in coping with the present reality while maintaining a clear sense of who we are.
Unfortunately in India, political leaders are corrupt, indifferent and deliberately refuse to see reality and the pathetic conditions created by Jihadi terrorists, subversive agents, and the Conversion gang, and Merxist mercenaries. Jihadis are bombing their way through all parts of India.  There are several newly defined issues that have already captured the public’s attention. Concerns such as Pakistan printed counterfeit Indian currency distribution, coercive religious conversion, foreign inspired subversive activities, media manipulation, Islamic violence, Jihadi terrorism, homicide bombing by Mujaheedeen, the expansion of Marxist criminals, the money mafia and the destruction of our forests are some of the problems that are now part of our social issues that need attention. India’s political lexicon has not expanded to include unity, strength, law and order, containing Jihadi terrorism, military power, eradication of corruption and strong leadership. These occurrences, and their latent and manifest effects, are not viewed as serious by politicians and the media. Even the most serious Jihadi homicide bombing and Islamic violence are not taken seriously.
People are demanding more active involvement of the national government. The sudden increase in Jihadi bombing evoked a scurry of programs for further appeasement, special privileges for Muslims  and increased Hajj subsidy. These appeasement policies and programs have not diminished Jihadi terrorism or Islamic violence. The need for strong retribution, preventive actions and effective law enforcement has been documented. The politicians still blame Hindus, the victims of Jihadi terrorism. The past several years have been marked by scant attention to Hindu grievances. Muslim appeasement and more concession have overtaken halting efforts at reducing or preventing Jihadi terrorism, violence and corruption. The social/political standstill contributes directly to the pitiful and pathetic condition of the majority in India.
The character of Indian political leaders have not shifted in spite of pakistan and Chinese aggression, Islamic terrorism, ISI inspired subversive activities, Muslim infiltration from Bangladesh and Chinese incursion into our territory. Social and political leaders chant peace, while innocent Hindus are being  killed. The concept of peace is wrongly applied in India. Peace is only a reality between states that are friendly towards each other. Peace is possible when people following different dogma agree to pluralism, tolerance, coexistence and harmony. People who follow universalism, freedom, tolerance and secularism do not need to make peace. But the nation that strives for peace with an enemy that practices hostility, promote terrorism and violence can only find it when it  has sufficient power and will to prevent warfare.
Political parties and social organizations in India chant slogans of peace and howl down Hindu leaders with whom they oppose. These agents of Jihadi terrorist groups espouse the dogmatic, fundamentalist messages of Islam and Marxism which tolerates no pluralism, coexistence and freedom.
Passive spectators who cahnt peace and the promoters of peace are idealists without any sense of the reality. They never abandon their idealist dreams even if their naive acts leads them to make inadvertently more tyrants stronger and create living nightmares for Hindu victims. They make Jihadi terrorists stronger and stronger while peace chanting populace get killed.
There is no meaning in making peace with criminal Jihadis and subversive agents. If India desires peace with Jihadi terrorists and anti national elements, it is nothing more than a futile venture. Hindus should realize that there is no Shanti without Shakti. And Hindus have to fight for Shanti.

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